" Equity and trusts "
John Duddington.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
John Duddington.
Title & Author
Equity and trusts\ John Duddington.
Publication Statement
Harlow: Longman, 2006
Page. NO
400 pages ; 24 cm
: 9780582894068
PART ONEEQUITY: GENERAL PRINCIPLESChapter 1: Nature of EquityChapter 2: Equitable RemediesChapter 3: Equitable DoctrinesPART TWOTRUSTS: NATURE OF A TRUST AND CREATION OF EXPRESS TRUSTSChapter 4: The Nature of a TrustChapter 5: Creating the Trusts: Certainties Chapter 6: Creating the Trusts: FormalitiesChapter 7: Creating the Trust: Constitution of a TrustChapter 8: Secret and Half-Secret Trusts. Mutual willsChapter 9: Void and Voidable TrustsPART THREERESULTING AND CONSTRUCTIVE TRUSTSChapter 10: Resulting TrustsChapter 11: Constructive Trusts Chapter 12: Trusts and the Family HomePART FOURPUBLIC TRUSTSChapetr 13: Charitable TrustsChapter 14: Administration of CharitiesChapter 15: Non-Charitable Purpose Trusts. Unincorporated AssociationsPART FIVETRUSTEESHIP AND BREACH OF TRUSTChapter 16: TrusteeshipChapter 17: Duties of TrusteesChapter 18: Powers of TrusteesChapter 19: Variation of TrustsChapter 20: Breach of TrustPART SIXTHE FLAVOUR OF EQUITYChapter 21 The Maxims of EquityChapter 22: The future of EquityAppendices: 1. Guidance in answering questions in equity and trusts.2. Specimen examination questions and points for inclusion in the answers3. Specimen trusts: trust deed, trust in a will.Appendix One: Answering examination questions in Equity and TrustsAppendic Two: Specimen points for inclusion in answersAppendix Three: Hints on answering exam questions
Equity -- England.
Equity -- Wales.
Trusts and trustees -- England.
Added Entry
John Duddington
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