رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Debate "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 784281
Doc. No : b604294
Main Entry : Mariann Fedrizzi, Randy Ellis.
Title & Author : Debate\ Mariann Fedrizzi, Randy Ellis.
Publication Statement : Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011
Page. NO : XI, 354 p. ; 29 cm
ISBN : 0538449667
: : 9780538449663
Contents : 1. INTRODUCTION TO DEBATE.What Is Debate? Debate Skills and Grooming for Debate. Types of Debate.2. LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATE.The Resolution. Research. The Competition.3. LINCOLN-DOUGLAS CASE CONSTRUCTION.Overview of the Speeches. Affirmative Case Construction. Negative Case Construction. 4. PHILOSOPHY AND FALLACIES.Philosophy. Fallacies and Reasoning.5. CROSS-EXAMINATION DEBATE: AFFIRMATIVE CASE. Characteristics of CX Debate, Research and Organization. Build the Affirmative Case.6. CROSS-EXAMINATION DEBATE: NEGATIVE ARGUMENTS. Use Defensive Negative Arguments. Use Offensive Negative Arguments. Use the Kritik. 7. CROSS-EXAMINATION DEBATE: THE COMPETITION. Who Does What When. Presentation Skills and Styles. Debate Judging.8. STUDENT CONGRESS.Bills and Resolutions. Research and Writing. Participate in Student Congress.9. PUBLIC FORUM DEBATE. Format, Speaking Style. Speeches and Times. Crossfire Techniques and Teamwork.10. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING. What Is Extemporaneous Speaking? Extemp Materials. The Speech.11. ORIGINAL ORATORY. What is Oratory? Preparing Your Speech. The Presentation.12. MOCK TRIAL. Concepts of Advocacy. Evidentiary Quest. The Trial.
LC Classification : ‭PN4181‬‭.M375 2011‬
Added Entry : Mariann Fedrizzi
: Randy Ellis
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