" The Relationship between the Plasmalemma and Plant Cell Wall "
Jean-Claude Roland Affiliation: Université de Paris, Institut de Biologie Végétale, Laboratoire de Cytologie Expérimentale, Paris, France
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Jean-Claude Roland Affiliation: Université de Paris, Institut de Biologie Végétale, Laboratoire de Cytologie Expérimentale, Paris, France
Title & Author
The Relationship between the Plasmalemma and Plant Cell Wall\ Jean-Claude Roland Affiliation: Université de Paris, Institut de Biologie Végétale, Laboratoire de Cytologie Expérimentale, Paris, France
This chapter discusses the relationship between the plasmalemma and plant cell wall. In animals, the surface of the cell is composed of the plasma membrane, or plasmalemma, which in close association with a cell coat assures contact between the living cell and the extracellular medium. The plasmalemma and the cell wall are completely individual and distinct from each other and may be easily separated. However, in the living cell, there exists an extremely close structural and functional cooperation between the plasmalemma and the cell wall. Electron microscope examination shows that if the protoplasm and the cell wall differ significantly as regards several characteristics, numerous niorphologically individualized relationships are established between the two. Noncytological methods suggest physiological unity between the plasmalemma and cell wall. New techniques and tools are available for experimental investigation, and rapid progress can be expected.
LC Classification
QH581.2J436 9999
Added Entry
Jean-Claude Roland Affiliation: Université de Paris, Institut de Biologie Végétale, Laboratoire de Cytologie Expérimentale, Paris, France
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