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" The complete idiot's guide to breaking bad habits "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 795408
Doc. No : b615449
Main Entry : by Suzanne LeVert and Gary McClain.
Title & Author : The complete idiot's guide to breaking bad habits\ by Suzanne LeVert and Gary McClain.
Edition Statement : 2nd ed
Publication Statement : Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books, ©2001.
Page. NO : xix, 346 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
ISBN : 0028639863
: : 9780028639864
Notes : Includes index.
Contents : Over and over again. What is a bad habit? ; Why you do the things you do ; But I like it like that --; Just say no! Okay, so how do you stop? ; Step 1, identify the behavior ; Step 2, Evaluate the risks and benefits ; Step 3, prepare for change ; Step 4, just do it! ; Get back on that horse --; Resist those cravings. Identify your cravings ; Easing up on alcohol ; Put that cigarette out? ; Calming the caffeine jitters ; Food, not-so-glorious food --; Stop driving me (and everyone else) crazy? Tame those tendencies ; Be straightforward ; Starting right now ; Establishing emotional integrity --; Calming those compulsions. Identify your compulsions ; Your very personal, personal space ; Taming the organizational devil ; Finally, fiscal fidelity ; Loving an electronic high --; Bad habits and the big picture. When someone you love has a bad habit ; Kids do the darnedest things ; Sit, stay, behave! ; Knowing when you need more help ; Changing the world --; Appendixes. A, More bad habit busters ; B, Glossary.
Subject : Compulsive behavior.
Subject : Substance abuse.
Subject : Vices.
LC Classification : ‭RC533‬‭.B978 2001‬
Added Entry : Gary R McClain
: Suzanne LeVert
Parallel Title : Complete idiot's guide; Breaking bad habits
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