" Tunnel vision : "
Sullivan McLeod.
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Main Entry
Sullivan McLeod.
Title & Author
Tunnel vision : : the true story of my probably insane quest to become a professional surfer\ Sullivan McLeod.
Edition Statement
1st ed
Publication Statement
Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 2009
Page. NO
281 pages : illustrations
: 9781741757132
The decision --; Melbourne --; Indonesia --; Grajagan --; South Africa --; Newquay --; Lacanau --; Portugal --; Spain --; London --; Canary Island --; Brazil --; Hawaii --; Pipe --; Epilogue --; Surf lingo explained.
"In an effort to have an answer to the question, 'What are you doing now, Sully?' inveterate traveller and stand-up comedian Sullivan McLeod started to tell people he'd decided to become a professional surfer. Then somehow he was registered in the World Qualifying Series (WQS) and found he was going ahead with his stupid idea. Professional surfing is run on a two tiered system. The World Championship Tour (WCT) is the Dream Tour, the pinnacle of pro surfing. If you want to be a pro, you start with the less glamorous WQS (the 'You're Dreaming Tour'). If the WCT is the blue ribbon hundred-metre event, then the WQS is the gruelling marathon that very few survive. So, despite the fact that he was unfit physically, financially and possibly mentally, Sullivan goes into training for his nine months on the circuit, with frequent sidetracking into drinking and partying, but he does actually make it to most of the heats. Along the way - and this is the book's real appeal - he has to work out how to get to the next competition in the next country on his very tight budget, and we get his highly entertaining observations about Americans, Brazilians, the Brits, French and ex-pat Australians, to name but a few."--Global Books in Print.
McLeod, Sullivan, -- 1976-
Surfers -- Australia -- Biography.
Surfing -- Australia.
LC Classification
GV838.S855 2009
Added Entry
Sullivan McLeod
Parallel Title
True story of my probably insane quest to become a professional surfer :
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