رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The perceived religiousness of the repertoire of the Muslim minority in France "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 802816
Doc. No : TL47992
Call number : ‭1626433840;‮ ‬1567937‬
Main Entry : Kelley, Elizabeth Anne
Title & Author : The perceived religiousness of the repertoire of the Muslim minority in France
: \ Brian Mawyer
: Cutler, Cecelia
College : City University of New York
Date : 2014
Degree : M.A.
student score : 2014
field of study : Liberal Studies
Page No : 65
Note : Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-29584-9
Abstract : France is a secular society with a deeply rooted Catholic tradition. This environment affects the acceptability of demonstrations of Muslim religious identity. Muslim immigrants to France are often ghettoized into rent controlled housing in suburbs around the cities. Rejected from French society, these immigrants cling to what links them together, which is their religion. By the third generation, fluency in heritage languages declines greatly, yet the youth of the <i>banlieues</i> re-appropriate Arabic words into their French speech, leading to the emergence of a Muslim repertoire that is not always accepted by speakers of standard French. This thesis surveys French people of diverse backgrounds as to how they rate elements from this repertoire in terms of religiousness and which they find acceptable in French shows the correspondence between perceived religiousness and social acceptability. Religious terms in Arabic can be interspersed in French. Uttering these words or phrases in the original Arabic instead of French translation demonstrates knowledge of religious Arabic and a connection to the religion.
Subject : Linguistics; Islamic Studies; Sociolinguistics
Descriptor : Language, literature and linguistics;Social sciences;France;Immigrants;Laïcite;Muslim;Repertoire;Secularism
Added Entry : Cutler, Cecelia
Added Entry : City University of New York
: Liberal Studies
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