" The added-value of minority rights protection for muslims in western europe: multiculturalist approaches and international law "
Stephanie Eleanor Berry
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
Language of Document
Record Number
Doc. No
Call number
1917312315; 10627396
Main Entry
Abed, Sally
Title & Author
The added-value of minority rights protection for muslims in western europe: multiculturalist approaches and international law\ Stephanie Eleanor Berry
Brunel University (United Kingdom)
student score
Page No
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor;
Against the backdrop that multiculturalism has failed in Western Europe, this thesis argues that minority rights standards should be applied to Western European Muslims. Western European States have consistently excluded Muslims from minority rights protection under international law on the basis that they constitute 'new minorities'. However, this thesis asserts that the justifications given by States for the exclusion of Western European Muslims from minority rights protection no longer hold true and have the potential to undermine the object and purpose of the minority rights regime – security and justice. Furthermore, by considering the content of both generally applicable human rights standards and minority rights standards in the light of the situation and specific claims made by Muslim minorities in Western Europe, in relation to the preservation of their identity, this thesis proves that there is an added-value to minority rights protection for these communities. Minority rights standards and multiculturalist policies adopt a similar approach to the accommodation of societal diversity. Thus, given the exclusion of Western European Muslims from the additional protection offered by minority rights standards, this thesis submits that multiculturalist approaches to the accommodation of European Muslims have not failed; insufficient measures have been adopted to ensure their success. If a multiculturalist approach to the accommodation of diversity is to be pursued in Western Europe, States must allow Muslim minorities to benefit from the protection available under minority rights standards.
(UMI)AAI10627396;Social sciences
Added Entry
Brunel University (United Kingdom)
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