" An Appraisal of Teachings and Activities of Daru 'S-Salam Group in Niger State, Nigeria, 1993-2009 "
Hussain Abdullahi
Adua, suleiman s.
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
Language of Document
Record Number
Doc. No
Call number
2117006417; 10935684
Main Entry
Ozkara San, Eda
Title & Author
An Appraisal of Teachings and Activities of Daru 'S-Salam Group in Niger State, Nigeria, 1993-2009\ Hussain AbdullahiAdua, suleiman s.
Kwara State University (Nigeria)
field of study
College of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences
student score
Page No
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-0-438-41243-9
<i>Darus-Salam</i> is a religious group with members who adopted camping as way of life. The group was founded in 1993 in Niger State of Nigeria by one Mallam Bashir Abdullah. The group had its camp in Mokwa in Niger State. This research studied the teachings and activities of the group with a view to determining the extent of their compliance or otherwise to the teachings of Islam as contained in the Qur’an and <i>Sunnah </i> of the Prophet (SAW). The research adopted historical methodology through the use of descriptive survey. The research tools used included un-structural interviews. In addition, books, encyclopedias, journals, and Qur’anic commentaries were also consulted. The findings show that though the group was not violent, some of its teachings and activities are at variance with the orthodox teachings of Islam. The study also reveals that <i>Darus-Salam </i> as a religious group had impacted negatively on the Niger State Muslims ’<i>Ummah</i> (community). The research therefore concluded that the group was heretic in its teachings and that the action of the State Government in disbanding it was appropriate in other to forestall any eventuality.
Islamic Studies
Social sciences;Boko;Daru salam;Takfir
Added Entry
Adua, suleiman s.
Added Entry
College of Humanities, Management and Social SciencesKwara State University (Nigeria)
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