رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Forged in the crucible of defensive jihad : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 807291
Doc. No : TLets722984
Main Entry : Warren, Roger Patrick
Title & Author : Forged in the crucible of defensive jihad :\ Warren, Roger PatrickLehr, Peter ; McConaghy, Kieran ; Marsden, Sarah V.
College : University of St Andrews
Date : 2017
student score : 2017
Degree : Thesis (Ph.D.)
Abstract : This thesis challenges the conventional wisdom that tends to conflate Arab foreign fighters with Islamist terrorists, and ‘martyrdom operations' with ‘suicide attacks.' Overlaps notwithstanding, it aims to draw distinctions between Arab foreign fighters engaged in defensive jihad defending co-religionists against a military foe, and Islamist terrorists engaged in terrorism that indiscriminately targets civilians and non-combatants. Critically, while disaggregating the two transnational cohorts, this thesis also illuminates the nexus between them. It draws on a thesis dataset of 3,010 Arab foreign fighters compiled using biographies, martyrdom eulogies, and postings on ‘jihadi' websites, in both English and Arabic. This dataset is then used to support three case studies involving the defensive jihads in 1980s Afghanistan, Iraq (post 2003), and Syria (post 2011). It leverages a theoretical framework based on the concept of radicalisation and the language of political Islam, whilst concurrently drawing on theories from psychology and historical military examples of combat, germane to defensive jihad and Islamist terrorism. The thesis concludes that Arab foreign fighters involved in defensive jihad employ martyrdom operations against military targets, through tactical necessity. Conversely, Islamist terrorists employ suicide attacks against civilians and non-combatants, through ideological necessity. The trajectory between the two transnational mobilisations appears to be broadly underpinned by facets of the Lucifer Effect – the situational factors encountered whilst participating in defensive jihad, including but not limited to, the experience of close combat in a war zone; being subjected to ideological indoctrination; and being exposed to charismatic authority and obedience to it. This suggests that subsequent involvement in Islamist terrorism by some Arab foreign fighters is primarily forged in the crucible of defensive jihad. Such findings should result in the crafting of more individualised de-radicalisation and rehabilitation programmes for returning foreign fighters, in both the West and the Arab world.
Subject : Arab foreign fighters; Radicalisation; Political Islam; Lucifer Effect; Defensive jihad; Charismatic authority and obedience; Ideological indoctrination
Added Entry : Lehr, Peter ; McConaghy, Kieran ; Marsden, Sarah V.
Added Entry : University of St Andrews
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