رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" A farm level study of the impact of climate change on agriculture and farmers' adaptation in Bangladesh "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 807874
Doc. No : TLets754611
Main Entry : Islam, Md. Atiqul
Title & Author : A farm level study of the impact of climate change on agriculture and farmers' adaptation in Bangladesh\ Islam, Md. AtiqulAtkins, Jonathan P. ; Wang, Zheng
College : University of Hull
Date : 2017
student score : 2017
Degree : Thesis (Ph.D.)
Abstract : This research investigates the impact of climate change on agriculture and farmers’ adaptation in a setting of a developing country. Empirical investigation is based on first hand survey data collected from rice farms situated in different climatic zones across Bangladesh. This thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the background and motivation, aims, scope and rationale for choosing Bangladesh as the context for this research. A brief overview of the Bangladesh economy, its agriculture and the climate change situation from the historical perspective is contained in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 describes in detail the data collection procedure and some basic statistics of the data. Chapter 4 explores the impact of climate change (changes in temperature and rainfall) on cost, yield and net revenue of rice farms. While previous studies only explored the impact either on net revenue (Ricardian approach) of farms or on the yield (Production function approach) of a crop, this chapter explores the impact of climate change on cost of production as well as on yield and net revenue. Therefore, this study adds to the existing literature by providing a fuller picture regarding the impact of climate change on agriculture from a micro perspective. To see how farmers’ make adaptation decisions in response to perceived climate change, Chapter 5 investigates farmers’ perception of climate change and its determinants. Findings here add to the existing limited literature to understand farmers’ perception and the factors that influence perception. Chapter 6 then analysed farmers’ adaptation strategies so far taken, the barriers they face and the determinants of adaptation decisions. Moreover, for the first time in the literature this study examines the determinants of overcoming obstacles related to different adaptation strategies for the facilitation of farm-level adaptation in developing countries. Finally, Chapter 7 concludes the thesis with a summary of findings with relevant policy recommendations, the contribution of this research and some possible directions for future research.
Subject : Economics
Added Entry : Atkins, Jonathan P. ; Wang, Zheng
Added Entry : University of Hull
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