رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Turkish Islam and National Identity "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 874859
Main Entry : Robbins, Michael,M.D.
Title & Author : Psychoanalysis meets psychosis : : attachment, separation, and the undifferentiated unintegrated mind /\ Michael Robbins.
Publication Statement : New York :: Routledge,, 2019.
Page. NO : 1 online resource
ISBN : 0429200544
: : 0429573456
: : 0429575564
: : 0429577672
: : 9780429200540
: : 9780429573453
: : 9780429575563
: : 9780429577673
: 9780367191153 (hardback)
: 9780367191177 (pbk)
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents : Not fully human : the unwitting collusion between medicine and psychoanalysis -- Not fully human : psychiatric and psychoanalytic understandings of psychosis -- The medicalization of madness : evolution of the equation of psychosis with degeneracy -- Psychoanalytic models of psychosis -- Freud's attempt to treat psychosis as though it were neurosis -- Freud's three models and their offspring: I: the inability to relate -- Freud's three models and their offspring: IIA : the inability to integrate mind and become neurotic : the european kleinian iteration -- Freud's three models and their offspring: IIB: the inability to become neurotic : American ego psychological iteration of the integration model and Kernberg's trans-Atlantic rapprochement -- Freud's three models and their offspring: III: thought disorder -- A new beginning : distinguishing psychosis from neurosis -- Two conscious mental processes : the role of primordial consciousness in psychosis and other human phenomena -- Revisiting the rat man as an example of primordial consciousness -- Psychosis as a disorder of attachment and separation-individuation -- Treatment of psychosis -- Psychiatric treatment of psychosis : transforming psychosis from a socially disruptive to a socially adaptive disease -- Studies of the efficacy of psychological and psychoanalytic therapies of psychosis -- Psychoanalytic therapy of psychosis : transforming primordial conscious mentation to reflective representational thought -- Qualities of a psychoanalytic therapist of psychosis -- Patients write about their therapy -- The 11 year therapy of a chronic paranoid schizophrenic woman -- Conclusion.
Abstract : Psychoanalysis Meets Psychosis proposes a major revision of the psychoanalytic theory of the most severe mental illnesses including schizophrenia. Freud believed that psychosis is the consequence of a biologically determined inability to attain and sustain a normal or neurotic mental organization. Michael Robbins proposes instead that psychosis is the outcome of a different developmental pathway. Conscious mind functions in two qualitatively different ways, primordial conscious mentation and reflective representational thought, and psychosis is the result of persistence of a primordial mental process, which is adaptive in infancy, in later situations in which it is neither appropriate nor adaptive. In PartI Robbins describes how the medical model of psychosis underlies the current approach of both psychiatry and psychoanalysis, despite the fact that neuroscience has failed to confirm the model's basic organic assumption. In PartII Robbins examines two of Freud's models of psychosis that are based on the assumption of a constitutional inability to develop a normal or neurotic mind. The theories of succeeding generations of analysts have for the most part reiterated the biases of Freud's two models, so that psychoanalysis considers the psychoses beyond its scope. In PartIII Robbins proposes that the psychoses are the result of disturbances in the attachment-separation phase of development, leading to maladaptive persistence of a primordial form of mental activity related to Freud's primary process. Finally, in PartIV Robbins describes a psychoanalytic approach to treatment based on his model. The book is richly illustrated with material from Robbins' clinical practice. Psychoanalysis Meets Psychosis has the potential to undo centuries of alienation between society and psychotic persons. The book offers an understanding of severe mental illness that will be novel and inspiring not only to psychoanalysts but to all mental health professionals.
Subject : Attachment disorder.
Subject : Psychoanalysis.
Subject : Psychoses.
Subject : Separation anxiety.
Subject : Attachment disorder.
Subject : MEDICAL-- Psychiatry-- General.
Subject : Psychoanalysis.
Subject : PSYCHOLOGY-- Mental Health.
Subject : PSYCHOLOGY-- Movements-- Psychoanalysis.
Subject : Psychoses.
Subject : Separation anxiety.
Dewey Classification : ‭616.85/88‬
LC Classification : ‭RC455.4.A84‬
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