" The geology and mineralogy of the Harsit-Köprübasi copper-lead-zinc sulphide deposit, N.E. Turkey "
Mahmut, Cavit
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Mahmut, Cavit
Title & Author
The geology and mineralogy of the Harsit-Köprübasi copper-lead-zinc sulphide deposit, N.E. Turkey\ Mahmut, Cavit
University of London
student score
Thesis (Ph.D.)
The Harsit-Koprubasi Cu-Pb-Zn sulphide deposit is located on the Black Sea coast about 3 km to the east of Tirebolu in the Giresun province of Turkey. It is one of the important polymetallic sulphide deposits occurring within the submarine volcanic environment of the Eastern Pontus ore province. Petrographic and chemical studies of the country rocks, despite their heavy alteration, show that they have similar features to the calcalkali rock series of orogenic belts. The investigated area exhibits submarine volcanic rocks and sediment intercalations. Volcanicity took place between Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous and Oligocene - Miocene and is represented by three distinct cycles. The first cycle shows an almost total fractionation sequence, however the last two contain only basic rocks. The ore mineralisation of the area like most occurrences within the Eastern Pontus ore province, is associated with the so-called "ore-bearing dacite". The Harkkoy polymetallic and the Israil pyritic sulphide deposits have been studied for the purpose of comparison of their ore minerals with those of the Harsit-Koprubasi deposit. An electron probe microanalyser was used to determine the composition of the rock forming, and ore minerals, and also to compare various representatives of continuous isomorphous series of some sulphosalts. The majority of the analyses were of sphalerites; the Fe, Mn and Cd contents being found useful for purposes of comparison. Homogenisation and last-ice-melting temperatures of the fluid inclusions in sphalerite, quartz and barite crystals from the Harsit-Koprubasi deposit range between 239° to 338°C, and -1.0 to -3.1°C, respectively. From the evidence afforded by field, underground and borehole data, together with that from detailed chemical, mineralogical, fluid inclusion and electron probe studies on the ores, and country-rocks, the origin of the ore body and it's relation to the country-surrounding country rocks is discussed.
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Royal Holloway, University of London
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