" An empirical study of Saudi secondary school students' achievement motivation, attitude toward subjects, perception of classroom environment and teaching aids, in relationships to academic achievement in three school subjects "
Al-Hakami, Ibra
Moore, Jeffery Logan
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Al-Hakami, Ibra
Title & Author
An empirical study of Saudi secondary school students' achievement motivation, attitude toward subjects, perception of classroom environment and teaching aids, in relationships to academic achievement in three school subjects\ Al-Hakami, IbraMoore, Jeffery Logan
University of Hull
student score
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Low levels of academic achievement among secondary school students, especially in Islamic Religious Science, Arabic Language and English Language, have become a matter of concern to Saudi society in recent years. Educationalists have, based largely on hearsay or theoretical assumptions, blamed students' low achievement motivation and poor attitudes, and rigid teaching methods.This study investigates the affective responses of Saudi secondary students towards Islamic Religious Science, Arabic Language and English Language; relationships between academic achievement and affective variables; and teachers' perceptions of students' academic achievement and affective responses, and of their own teaching methods and use of teaching aids.The samples were students (n = 1,224) of all third year classes in eight secondary schools in Taif, Saudi Arabia; and their teachers of Islamic Religious Science, Arabic Language and English Language (n = 49, 49 and 39 respectively).Students' achievement motivation, attitude toward subject, and perceptions of the classroom environment and of teaching aids, were measured using a questionnaire designed by the researcher. Data on their academic achievement in Islamic Religious Science, Arabic Language and English Language were obtained from the Ministry of Education. Interviews were conducted with eight teachers of each subject and, based on content analysis of their responses, a multiple-choice questionnaire devised for administration to a further 113 teachers.Students' scores on affective variables were low to moderate. Teaching aids were perceived as little used, and little variety in teaching methods was reported. Academic achievement was not correlated with any other variable. Further investigation suggested that teachers' assessments of student academic achievement are unreliable.The findings of the study have implications for teacher training, objective-setting, curriculum design and student assessment. There is a need for revision of the national curriculum and assessment system, in which the U.K.'s TGAT model may be a useful guide.
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Moore, Jeffery Logan
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University of Hull
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