" Addressing the gap in the arts and culture industry in Dubai : "
Alriyami, Salem Mohammad HumaidAlriyami, Salem Mohammad Humaid
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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University of Wales, Lampeter
Title & Author
Addressing the gap in the arts and culture industry in Dubai :\ Alriyami, Salem Mohammad HumaidAlriyami, Salem Mohammad Humaid
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Thesis (Ph.D.)
student score
The research question permeating this thesis is how to address effectively the gap in the Arts and Culture in Dubai, a city that has prospered so well economically and financially in recent decades. Therefore, my focus is on those activities and events relating to literature, the visual arts, music, theatre and film - all reflecting the cultural lead Dubai is rapidly assuming in these spheres. The research is the first of its kind about Dubai. In such a study, some limitations need to be established. Specifically, I want to focus on the recognized strengths and weaknesses of the current management of cultural activities and policies and also on the advantages and disadvantages and the opportunities available. Consequently, in this thesis, it is necessary to take into account aspects such as history, politics, geo-politics, climate, people, ethnicity, religion and other aspects that constitute the cultural life of the emirate. Dubai is a rich blend of tradition and modernity, reflected in its various libraries, art galleries, theatres, and museums. It uniquely possesses the infrastructure needed to support the cultural vision of its leadership. As the emirate of Dubai increasingly assumes a greater cosmopolitan character, its emergence as the cultural hub of the region is certainly assured. However, no study has been undertaken as yet that analyses the current situation, the problems and opportunities it faces in terms of its cultural management, and ways to enhance Dubai's undoubted leadership in cultural matters. My own work over many years with the Dubai Cultural Council has convinced me that such a study is vital and it is my hope that the work presented in this thesis will contribute to the clarification of the current situation and indicate useful and appropriate directions to proceed in the future in terms of cultural management in Dubai.
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University of Wales Trinity Saint David
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