" Technology transfer to developing countries : "
Jafarieh, HamidJafarieh, Hamid
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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University of Salford
Title & Author
Technology transfer to developing countries :\ Jafarieh, HamidJafarieh, Hamid
University of Salford
Thesis (Ph.D.)
student score
Technology transfer is extensively believed to be one of the major debates in the literature on development economics. The experiences of some successful countries in rapid economic and industrial development, in particular, some East-Asian Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs) show that the acquisition of a significant amount of foreign technology has played a crucial role. This crucial role includes promoting their managerial and technical expertise as well as increasing their productivity level through the adoption of a set of appropriate policies and strategiesT. hesee xperiencesc ould have valuable lessonsf or other countriesw ho wish to follow similar strategies to achieve rapid industrialisation and technological development. Although many Less Developed Countries (LDCs) have realised the great importance of technological transformation for their rapid economic and industrial development, they have not designed effective and efficient policies for the transfer of appropriate and high-level technologies. The present empirical investigation is intended to contribute to the large existing literature on technological transfer and the role that Multinational Corporations (MNCs) play in this. Its major contribution lies in demonstrating rigorously that the integration of foreign technologies is greatly affected by the socio-economic conditions of the recipient countries. The present study attempts to identify the main socio-economic characteristics of countries involved in assimilating transferred technology. It first identifies the critical success or failure factors for effective technology transfer and the rapid industrialisation of the LDCs in general. Then, it provides a quantifiable metric index of the rate of the technological absorption. Selectiono f relevant variablesa nd choosingt he sampleo f countries are summarisedT. he model, which is based on the multiple regression analysis as well as other statistical techniques, is identified. The four-variable-model derived from the stepwise regression results gave a statistically significant R-sq = 70.71% and R-sq (adj) = 66.7% and satisfies the principle of parsimony, was chosen as the preferred model. This has as explanatory variables transport and communications and gross national savings as economic indicators - Christian religion and natural disasters (negative concept) as social indicators. The results suggest that countries with the above indicators are more able to absorb and integrate foreign technologies. In general, the results reveal that the rate of technology integration varies greatly with the level of socio-economic development. Some intangible factors that cannot as yet be quantified and may be expected to have significant effects on the rate of technological integration, such as political and managerial factors are discussed. The analysis of results is concludedw ith somer ecommendationsa nd suggestionsd erived from the research findings and results for the effective and successful technology transfer of LDCs along with the technology transfer in Africa, problems of AIDS and its impact on African development.
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University of Salford
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