رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Life satisfaction, self-efficacy and religious faith in stroke patients living in Kuwait "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 834846
Doc. No : TLets532031
Main Entry : Brunel University
: De Souza, L. H. ; Reynolds, F.
Title & Author : Life satisfaction, self-efficacy and religious faith in stroke patients living in Kuwait\ Omu, OnutoborDe Souza, L. H. ; Reynolds, F.Omu, OnutoborDe Souza, L. H. ; Reynolds, F.
College : Brunel University
Date : 2010
Degree : Thesis (Ph.D.)
student score : 2010
Abstract : Aims: Life satisfaction and self-efficacy are psychosocial experiences that appear to profoundly influence the rehabilitation of a stroke patient. However, relevant studies have been mostly carried out on Western stroke survivors, with limited reports on stroke experience in the Middle East. Reviewed literature suggests a positive correlation between religious faith and health outcome, however studies investigating relationships among religious faith, self-efficacy and other psychosocial variables in stroke patients are limited. The aims of this study were therefore to (1) explore stroke experience and factors associated with life satisfaction post-stroke in Kuwait, (2) to investigate the relationships between self-efficacy, life satisfaction and religious faith in female stroke patients living in Kuwait, and (3) to identify cultural influences on stroke survivors in Kuwait from the health professionals‘ point of view. Method: The study was carried out in these four phases. 1) Phase 1:- Exploring stroke experience in patients in Kuwait with semi-structured interviews 2) Phase 2:- Client-Centred Adaptation of a Self-Efficacy measure for stroke patients living in Kuwait 3) Phase 3:- Assessing quantitative relationships between the three variables (self-efficacy, life satisfaction and religious faith) with questionnaires 4) Phase 4:- Exploring perceptions of health professionals regarding the world of the stroke patient and effects of culture on recovery and rehabilitation with semi-structured interviews Qualitative data were analysed with thematic analysis. Results: Significant correlations were found between general self-efficacy, and psychosocial adaptation self-efficacy. Self-efficacy (both general and psychosocial adaptation) showed significant correlations with life satisfaction post-stroke. Religious faith was not related to either life satisfaction or self-efficacy. Health professionals‘ interviews identified cultural characteristics specific to stroke patients living in Kuwait. These included family involvement, prevailing attitude towards stroke, dependency and access to maids, religious beliefs, and social stigma. Conclusion: Psychosocial self-efficacy was identified as having the strongest relationship to life satisfaction compared with the other variables tested. This study failed to show any significant relationship between religious faith and self-efficacy or life satisfaction in female stroke patients living in Kuwait. However, results from patient and health professional interviews identified religious beliefs as playing an important role in recovery, behaviour during rehabilitation and in interaction with the health professions. The qualitative aspects of this study, in particular, highlight the importance of taking into consideration religious and cultural influences during the rehabilitation of stroke patients in Kuwait.
Added Entry : Brunel University
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