<p>In the last decade, the field of <em>Nahḍah</em> Studies has been gathering momentum. Scholars from different subject-areas have highlighted several aspects of the 19th–early 20th century cultural fervor in the Arab and south Mediterranean area. Accordingly, the whole set of <em>Nahḍah</em> narratives has been readdressed. By “<em>Nahḍah</em> narratives” we mean both the set of theoretical readings, definitions and views developed by the <em>nahḍawī</em> groundswell, itself and the metacritical narratives developed by international scholarship <em>on</em> the Arab <em>Nahḍah.</em></p><p>In dialogue with the recent scholarship, the papers collected here represent a contribution in questioning the “Arab awakening”: their theoretical approaches, crossing comparative literature, literary analysis, history of ideas — achieve a broader understanding of the movement, dwelling especially on intersections with other disciplines and widening the research on the <em>Nahḍah</em> from the point of view of cultural production.</p><p>The focus on modern Arab journalism, theatre, translation, political essays, prose and poetry writing which characterizes this special issue of <em>Oriente Moderno</em> attempts at going beyond the critical perspectives of a <em>Nahḍah</em> molded on Euro-centric modernity, on a diffusionist model of text circulation and on a “retrospective” idea of a modernity-to-be.</p>