رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 839958
Main Entry : Brookfield, Stephen D.
Title & Author : Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher.
Edition Statement : 2nd ed.
Publication Statement : Somerset :: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated,, 2017.
Page. NO : 1 online resource (307 pages)
ISBN : 1119050650
: : 9781119050650
: 9781119049708
Notes : Scholarly Personal Narrative.
Contents : Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface; About the Author; Chapter 1: What Is Critically Reflective Teaching?; Critically Reflective Teaching; Types of Assumptions; Paradigmatic Assumptions; Prescriptive Assumptions; Causal Assumptions; How Do We Examine Assumptions?; Students' Eyes; Colleagues' Perceptions; Personal Experience; Theory and Research; So What Makes Reflection Critical?; Critical Reflection as the Illumination of Power; Dominant Ideology; Unearthing Power Dynamics; Critical Reflection as Uncovering Hegemony; Conclusion; Chapter 2: Uncovering Assumptions of Power.
: Chapter 5: Clarifying the Benefits of Critical ReflectionIt Helps Us Take Informed Actions; It Helps Us Develop a Rationale for Practice; It Helps Us Survive the Emotional Roller Coaster of Teaching; It Helps Us Avoid Self-Laceration; It Enlivens Our Classrooms; It Keeps Us Engaged; It Models the Democratic Impulse; It Increases Trust; Conclusion; Chapter 6: Seeing Ourselves through Students' Eyes; Students' Eyes and Student-Centeredness; The Unwitting Diktat: An Illustration of Power Dynamics; The One-Minute Paper; The Muddiest Point; The Learning Audit; Clickers; Social Media; TodaysMeet.
: Commonsense Assumptions about Good TeachingAssumptions of Power; The Circle; The Teacher as Fly on the Wall; Conclusion; Chapter 3: Uncovering Hegemonic Assumptions; I Must Motivate My Students by My Charismatic Singularity; It's All under Control; Washing Clean the Stain of Resistance; The Perfect-Ten Syndrome; Deep Space Nine: The Answer Must Be out There Somewhere; We Meet Everyone's Needs; I Can Fix Racism (Sexism, Classism, Ableism); Conclusion; Chapter 4: The Four Lenses of Critical Reflection; Students' Eyes; Colleagues' Perceptions; Personal Experience; Theory; Conclusion.
: Providing Emotional GroundingModeling Critical Reflection for Students; Negotiating Vulnerability; Learning Risk and Embracing Uncertainty; Confirmatory Critical Reflection; Conclusion; Chapter 9: Using Personal Experience; Graduate Study; Professional Development Workshops; Conference Attendance; Recreational Learning; The Story Continues . . .; Final Scene . . .; Conclusion; Chapter 10: Learning from Theory; What Reading Theory Does for Us; It Drops Bombs of Productive Dissonance; It Opens New Worlds; It Helps Us Recognize Ourselves; It Stops Us Accepting Groupthink; Narrative Theorizing.
: The Critical Incident QuestionnaireDetecting Problems before They Get out Of Hand; Justifying Why You Use Different Teaching Approaches; Helping Resisters Realize They Are in a Minority; Using CIQs with Small and Large Classes; Letter to Successors; Conclusion; Chapter 7: Learning from Colleagues' Perceptions; Creating Critically Reflective Conversations; Start-up Sentence Completion; Beginning the Conversation with Critical Incidents; Chalk Talk; The Circular Response Method; Bohmian Dialogue; Critical Conversation Protocol; Conclusion; Chapter 8: Team Teaching as Critical Reflection.
Subject : College teaching.
Subject : College teaching.
Dewey Classification : ‭378.1/25‬
LC Classification : ‭LB2331.B677 2017‬
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