رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" External evaluation of IMF economic research activities : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 843343
Title & Author : External evaluation of IMF economic research activities : : report /\ by a group of independent experts.
Publication Statement : [Washington, D.C.] :: International Monetary Fund,, [2000]
: , ©2000
Page. NO : 1 online resource (iv, 88 pages)
ISBN : 1283535599
: : 1455270105
: : 1455293083
: : 1455298212
: : 6613848042
: : 9781283535595
: : 9781455270101
: : 9781455293087
: : 9781455298211
: : 9786613848048
: 155775862X
: 9781557758620
Notes : Committee members: Frederic S. Mishkin (Chairman), Francesco Giavazzi, T.N. Srinivasan.
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references (pages 66-68).
Contents : pt. 1. IMF Executive Board response -- pt. 2. Report of the External Evaluation Committee on the IMF's economic research activities -- pt. 3. IMF management response -- pt. 4. IMF staff response.
Abstract : This report, commissioned by the Executive Board, was prepared by a committee of academic economists. The report assesses the appropriateness of current research activities, the quality and added value of the IMF's economic research and its utility in the IMF among its member countries and within the wider economics community. This publication also includes responses to the report by the IMF's staff, Managing Director, and Executive Board.
Subject : International Monetary Fund-- Research-- Evaluation.
: International Monetary Fund.
Subject : Economics-- Research-- Evaluation.
Subject : International finance-- Research-- Evaluation.
Subject : BUSINESS ECONOMICS-- Banks Banking.
Subject : Economics-- Research-- Evaluation.
Subject : Research-- Evaluation.
Dewey Classification : ‭332.1/52‬
LC Classification : ‭HG3881.5.I58‬‭E98 2000eb‬
Added Entry : Giavazzi, Francesco
: Mishkin, Frederic S.
: Srinivasan, T. N.,1933-
Added Entry : International Monetary Fund,issuing body.
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