Document Type
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Main Entry
Rajiv, Yadu
Title & Author
Developing turn-based multiplayer games : : with Gamemaker studio 2 and NodeJS /\ Yadu Rajiv.
Publication Statement
[New York, NY?] :: APRESS,, [2018]
Page. NO
1 online resource
: 9781484238615
Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: An Introduction to GMS2; Installing GameMaker Studio 2; GameMaker Studio 2: An Overview; The Resources Panel; Rooms; Objects and Instances; Listening to Events; Starting Our First Project; Editing Our Rooms; Chapter 2: An Introduction to GML; Where to Write Code and What It Means; Commenting Your Code; Variables and Data; Instance, Local, and Global Variables; Accessing Variables From Other Instances; Instance-Related Keywords: Other, All, and No One; Operations Using Operators
Chapter 6: Building the Multiplayer GameThe Client; The Server; Building the Server; Starting the Game Client in GameMaker Studio; Updating Our Server: Organizing the Data; Updating Our Client: Reading the Player ID and Storing It; Updating Our Server: Matchmaking and the Game Class; Updating Our Client: Starting a Game, Waiting for Players, and Joining a Game; Updating Our Server: Building the Core Game Mechanics; Updating Our Client: The Game Screen; Index
Displaying Our ScoreOur Enemies Fight Back; Adding Music; Challenges; Chapter 4: An Introduction to Node.js; Installing Node.js; Your First Program; Accessing the File System; Extending Our News Loader Example; Creating a Simple Server; Combining Our Server With File IO; A Server With Multiple Paths; Challenges; Chapter 5: Talking to Your Server; Starting the Project; Going Beyond Web APIs; The Die Roller Server; Talking to Our Die Roller Server via GameMaker Studio; Modifying Our Server for Sending Data to GMS2; Rolling the Die; Getting the Data; Challenges
Managing Control FlowThe if ... else if ... else Statement; Comparison Operators; Loops; Looping With Repeat; Looping With While and Do ... Until; Looping With the for Loop; The with Construction; The Switch Statement; The break, continue, and exit Statements; Chapter 3: Making Your First Game; Sketching the Game; Putting it Together; Starting Our New Project; Creating Objects and Their Instances; Working With Events; Creating the Game; Firing Bullets; Adding Sound to Your Shots; Hiding the Cursor; Going to Space; Upgrading the Main Menu; Handling Enemies; Shooting the Enemy; Spawning Enemies
Create your first turn-based multiplayer game using GameMaker Studio 2's built-in networking functions as well as using a simple NodeJS server. This book introduces you to the complexities of network programming and communication, where the focus will be on building the game from the ground up. You will start with a brief introduction to GameMaker Studio 2 and GML coding before diving into the essential principles of game design. Following this, you will go through an introductory section on NodeJS where you will learn how to create a server and send and receive data from it as well as integrating it with GameMaker Studio. You will then apply multiplayer gaming logic to your server and unlock multiplayer game features such as locating a player, syncing their data, and recording their session. You will: • Discover the architecture of GameMaker Studio 2 • Master GameMaker Studio 2's built-in networking functions • Integrate GameMaker Studio 2 with NodeJS • Add new features to your game with NodeJS modules.
Fantasy games.
Video games-- Programming.
Fantasy games.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
QA76.76.C672D48 2018