رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Cambridge International AS/A Level Geography Revision Guide 2nd edition. "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 852524
Main Entry : Nagle, Garrett.
Title & Author : Cambridge International AS/A Level Geography Revision Guide 2nd edition.
Publication Statement : London :: Hodder Education Group,, 2018.
Page. NO : 1 online resource (210 pages)
ISBN : 1510418229
: : 9781510418226
: 1510418385
: 9781510418387
Contents : Cover; Book title; Copyright; Contents; Paper 1 Core physical geography; 1 Hydrology and fluvial geomorphology; 1.1 The drainage basin system; 1.2 Rainfall-discharge relationships within drainage basins; 1.3 River channel processes and landforms; 1.4 The human impact; 2 Atmosphere and weather; 2.1 Diurnal energy budgets; 2.2 The global energy budget; 2.3 Weather processes and phenomena; 2.4 The human impact; 3 Rocks and weathering; 3.1 Plate tectonics; 3.2 Weathering; 3.3 Slope processes; 3.4 The human impact; Paper 2 Core human geography; 4 Population.
: 10.2 Landforms of hot arid and semi-arid environments10.3 Soils and vegetation; 10.4 Sustainable management of arid and semi-arid environments; Paper 4 Advanced human geography options; 11 Production, location and change; 11.1 Agricultural systems and food production; 11.2 The management of agricultural change: Jamaica; 11.3 Manufacturing and related service industry; 11.4 The management of industrial change: India; 12 Environmental management; 12.1 Sustainable energy supplies; 12.2 The management of energy supply; 12.3 Environmental degradation; 12.4 The management of a degraded environment.
: 13 Global interdependence13.1 Trade flows and trading patterns; 13.2 International debt and international aid; 13.3 The development of international tourism; 13.4 The management of a tourist destination: Jamaica; 14 Economic transition; 14.1 National development; 14.2 The globalisation of industrial activity; 14.3 Regional development; 14.4 The management of development.
: 4.1 Natural increase as a component of population change4.2 Demographic transition; 4.3 Population-resource relationships; 4.4 The management of natural increase; 5 Migration; 5.1 Migration as a component of population change; 5.2 Internal migration; 5.3 International migration; 5.4 A case study of international migration; 6 Settlement dynamics; 6.1 Changes in rural settlements; 6.2 Urban trends and issues of urbanisation; 6.3 The changing structure of urban settlements; 6.4 The management of urban settlements; Paper 3 Advanced physical geography options; 7 Tropical environments.
: 7.1 Tropical climates7.2 Tropical landforms; 7.3 Tropical ecosystems; 7.4 Sustainable management of tropical environments; 8 Coastal environments; 8.1 Coastal processes; 8.2 Characteristics and formation of coastal landforms; 8.3 Coral reefs; 8.4 Sustainable development of coasts; 9 Hazardous environments; 9.1 Hazards resulting from tectonic processes; 9.2 Hazards resulting from mass movements; 9.3 Hazards resulting from atmospheric disturbances; 9.4 Sustainable management in hazardous environments; 10 Arid and semi-arid environments; 10.1 Hot arid and semi-arid climates.
Abstract : Reinforce and practice skills learned with step-by-step support from experts to help you achieve your maximum potential. - Improve your knowledge of geographical patterns, processes and changes with internationally focussed examples and case studies from around the world. - Clarify key points and ensure common mistakes are avoided with expert advice and tips. - Test and consolidate your knowledge with end of topic questions and answers, and exam-style questions for AS and A2 levels. - Plan and pace your revision with the revision planner.
Added Entry : Guinness, Paul.
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