رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Son of chicken qabalah : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 853603
Main Entry : DuQuette, Lon Milo,1948-
Title & Author : Son of chicken qabalah : : Rabbi Lamed ben Clifford's (mostly painless) practical qabalah course /\ Lon Milo DuQuette.
Publication Statement : Newburyport :: Weiser Books,, 2018.
: , ©2018
Page. NO : 1 online resource
ISBN : 1633410498
: : 9781633410497
: 1578636159
: 9781578636150
Contents : Cover; Copyright; Contents; Author's Notes; Prologue: Confession of a Pseudepigraphic Biographer; Introduction; Qabalah Initiation: The Method to the Madness; The Degree Ceremonies: Introductory Words; First-Degree; Prelininary Notes; Ceremony of Initiation; Portfolio; Second-Degree; Preliminary Notes; Ceremony of Initiation; Portfolio; Third-Degree; Preliminary Notes; Ceremony of Initiation; Portfolio; Epilogue; Appendix I: Chicken Qabalist's Reference Library; Appendix II: The Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom; Endnotes; About the Author; Backcover.
Subject : Cabala.
Subject : Hebrew language-- Alphabet.
Subject : Magic.
Subject : BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Magick Studies.
Subject : BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Spiritualism.
Subject : RELIGION / Judaism / Kabbalah Mysticism.
Dewey Classification : ‭135.47‬
LC Classification : ‭BF1623.C2‬‭.D878 2018‬
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