رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Learning emotion-focused therapy : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 853878
Title & Author : Learning emotion-focused therapy : : the process-experiential approach to change /\ Robert Elliot, Jeanne C. Watson, Rhonda N. Goldman, Leslie S. Greenberg.
Edition Statement : First edition.
Publication Statement : Washington, DC :: American Psychological Association,, [2004]
: , ©2004
Page. NO : xiii, 366 pages :: illustrations ;; 26 cm
ISBN : 1591470803
: : 9781591470809
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references (pages 323-341) and index.
Contents : Process-experiential theory made simple -- Research on the effectiveness of process-experiential therapy -- Client microprocesses : what process-experiential therapists listen for -- Therapist processes in process-experiential therapy -- An overview of therapeutic tasks -- Empathy and exploration : the core of process-experiential therapy -- The care and feeding of therapeutic relationships -- Accessing and allowing experiencing -- Reprocessing problematic experiences -- Two-chair work for conflict splits -- Empty chair work for unfinished interpersonal issues -- Frequently asked questions on applying process-experiential therapy -- Adapting process-experiential therapy to particular client problems -- Recommendations for teaching and learning process-experiential therapy.
Abstract : "In Learning Process-Experiential Therapy: The Process-Experiential Approach to Change, the originators of process-experiential therapy describe in detail the various tasks and techniques of this theoretically grounded, empirically supported humanistic therapy, while emphasizing the importance of the therapeutic relationship. The authors, Robert Elliott, Jeanne C. Watson, Rhonda N. Goldman, and Leslie S. Greenberg, well-respected scholars and leading figures in the field, discuss theory, case formulation, treatment, and research in a way that makes this complex form of therapy accessible to all readers.
Subject : Emotion-focused therapy.
Subject : Experiential psychotherapy.
Subject : Focusing (Psychothérapie)
Subject : Psychothérapie expérientielle.
Subject : 77.84 psychotherapy: other.
Subject : Emotion-focused therapy.
Subject : Experiential psychotherapy.
Subject : Gefühl
Subject : Psychotherapie
Subject : Relation thérapeutique.
Subject : Psychotherapy-- methods.
Subject : Emoties.
Subject : Ervaringsleren.
Subject : Focusing (Psychothérapie)
Subject : Psychothérapie expérientielle.
Subject : Psychotherapie.
Subject : Psychotherapy, Rational-Emotive.
Dewey Classification : ‭616.89/14‬
LC Classification : ‭RC489.F62‬‭L43 2004‬
NLM classification : ‭2004 B-567‬
: ‭WM 420‬‭L438 2004‬
: ‭77.84‬bcl
: ‭CU 8590‬rvk
Added Entry : Elliott, Robert,1950-
: Goldman, Rhonda N.
: Greenberg, Leslie S.
: Watson, Jeanne C.
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