" Effective GP commissioning : "
Sunil Gupta ; foreword by Simon Gregory.
Document Type
Record Number
Main Entry
Gupta, Sunil, (Sunil Kumar)
Title & Author
Effective GP commissioning : : essential knowledge, skills and attitudes : a practical guide /\ Sunil Gupta ; foreword by Simon Gregory.
Publication Statement
London :: Radcliffe Pub.,, 2011.
Page. NO
xii, 172 pages :: illustrations ;; 24 cm
: 9781846195204
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Commissioning * What is Commissioning * The Medical Leadership Competency Framework * The financial environment * The political environment * The government's plans * QIPP * Some ideas to save money * Some of the knowledge needed for effective GP commissioning Assessing local health needs * Budgets * Business plans * Change implementation * Checklist for a Commissioning Case * Decision making * Delegation * Emails * Ethics * Financial accounts * Integration * Jargon buster * Long term conditions management * Management theories * Mentoring * Patient safety * Patient and public involvement * Procurement * Productivity * Project management * Quality improvement * Recruitment * Team work * Wider determinants of health * Some skills needed for effective GP Commissioning Assertiveness skills * Avoiding burnout * Cognitive behavioural therapy skills * Conflict resolution skills * Communication skills * Consultation skills * Dealing with difficult colleagues * Emotional bank account * Emotional competence * Innovation * Media skills * Meetings * Negotiating skills * People skills * Planning skills * Political skills * Presentational skills * Stress Management * Time Management Some attitudes needed for effective GP Commissioning Adherence to the Nolan Principles -- selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership * Other attitudes needed for effective GP Commissioning -- cost effectiveness, long-term thinking, outcomes not activity, patient focus, pragmatism not ideology, tough love and win-win.
National health services-- Great Britain-- Administration.
National health services-- Administration.
Great Britain.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
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