Document Type
Record Number
Main Entry
Jarosz, Anna
Title & Author
English pronunciation in L2 instruction : : the case of secondary school learners /\ Anna Jarosz.
Publication Statement
Cham, Switzerland :: Springer,, 2019.
Series Statement
Second language learning and teaching,
Page. NO
1 online resource (xii, 165 pages)
: 3030138933
: 3030138941
: 9783030138929
: 9783030138936
: 9783030138943
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Introduction; 1 The Place of Pronunciation Instruction in the Teaching of English; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The History of Pronunciation Instruction; 1.3 Communicative Approach and the Current Dilemmas in Pronunciation Teaching; 1.3.1 Nativeness or Comfortable Intelligibility; 1.3.2 An Alternative Model Accent; 1.3.3 (Non)-Native Teachers; 1.3.4 Accuracy and Fluency; 1.4 Phonetics Versus Pronunciation: Concluding Remarks; 2 Pronunciation Teaching Techniques and Materials; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Techniques and Tools
2.2.1 Pronunciation Techniques in Past Methodologies of L2 Teaching2.2.2 Current Taxonomies of Pronunciation Techniques; 2.2.3 The Effectiveness of Techniques; 2.3 Pronunciation Teaching Resource Books; 2.4 Phonetic Instruction Component in EFL General Textbooks; 2.5 Concluding Remarks; 3 Attitudes Towards Pronunciation Instruction and Factors Affecting Its Success; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Teachers' Attitudes; 3.3 Learner-Based Factors Affecting Pronunciation Learning/Teaching; 3.4 Learners' Attitudes Towards Pronunciation Instruction; 3.5 Concluding Remarks
4 The Methodology of the Longitudinal Action-Research Study Among Secondary-School Learners4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Background; 4.2.1 Course Design Guidelines; 4.2.2 The Polish Secondary School Reality; 4.3 The Study Description; 4.3.1 Research Questions and Goals; 4.3.2 Course Content; 4.3.3 Participants; 4.3.4 Method; 4.4 Concluding Remarks; 5 Results of the Study, Analysis and Discussion; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Study Results; 5.2.1 Open Pre-course Questionnaire; 5.2.2 Open Mid-course Questionnaire; 5.2.3 Likert-Scale End-Course Questionnaire; 5.2.4 Observation; 5.2.5 Interviews
5.2.6 Recordings5.3 Analysis; 5.4 Discussion; 5.5 Concluding Remarks; Conclusion; Appendix A: Pronunciation Teaching Resources' List; Appendix B: Pronunciation Aspects Found in the Resource Books Analysed; Appendix C: The Key Aspects of English Phonetics Covered During the Course; Appendix D: EWALUACJA II 2015; Appendix E: EWALUACJA VI 2015; Appendix F: The Results of the Questionnaire at the End of the Course; Appendix G: Speech Accent Archive (Weinberger, 2015); Appendix H: Assessment Criteria for the Recordings; References; Internet websites
This book provides an overview of pronunciation teaching and learning practices in secondary schools, providing insights into secondary school learners' needs, expectations and motivation regarding the importance of learning English and particularly English pronunciation. It presents a summary of the research on L2 pronunciation acquisition, teaching techniques and factors affecting the learning process as well as the results and conclusions of a longitudinal study conducted in a Polish secondary school. The study indicates that learners consider pronunciation a crucial component of English learning and a predictor of successful communication. Moreover, it shows that accuracy is highly valued by learners, and that systematic and regular pronunciation instruction, even if devoted mainly to segments, has the potential to contribute to the overall improvement in learners' communicative competence and their confidence as speakers and users of English. The book is based on the first-hand experience of a teacher-researcher.
English language-- Pronunciation-- Study and teaching (Secondary)
Applied linguistics.
Language and languages.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification