رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Violence and mental illness : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 861895
Main Entry : Ahonen, Lia
Title & Author : Violence and mental illness : : an overview /\ Lia Ahonen.
Publication Statement : Cham, Switzerland :: Springer,, 2019.
Series Statement : SpringerBriefs in criminology,
Page. NO : 1 online resource (xi, 84 pages) :: illustrations
ISBN : 3030187497
: : 3030187500
: : 3030187519
: : 9783030187491
: : 9783030187507
: : 9783030187514
: 9783030187491
Contents : 1. Introduction: Violence and Mental Illness in Context -- 2. Crazy, Mad, Insane, or Mentally Ill? -- 3. Public Perceptions and Experts Opinions: Causes, Correlates, and Prevention -- 4. The Association Between Mental Illness and Violence -- 5. Psychiatric Symptoms and Behaviors in Adolescence That Are Associated with Violence -- 6. Special Populations: Gender, Race and Incarcerated Individuals -- 7. Victimization and Suicide -- 8. Conclusions and Implications.
Abstract : This brief summarizes the existing body of knowledge about the links between mental illness and violence, recommends improved methods to deal with potentially violent individuals with mental illness, and identifies pressing implementation and research needs. In public perception and media reports, mental illness and violence - particularly gun violence - are unquestionably linked. However, empirical research presents a more nuanced and complex view of this relationship. Taking into account differences between youth and adults, as well as gender and racial difference, this innovative volume will be useful to policy-makers, legislators, researchers and students interested in addressing the growing public concern about mentally ill individuals at risk for violence.
Subject : Dangerously mentally ill.
Subject : Mental illness.
Subject : Violence.
Subject : Dangerously mentally ill.
Subject : HEALTH FITNESS-- Diseases-- General.
Subject : MEDICAL-- Clinical Medicine.
Subject : MEDICAL-- Diseases.
Subject : MEDICAL-- Evidence-Based Medicine.
Subject : MEDICAL-- Internal Medicine.
Subject : Mental illness.
Subject : Violence.
Dewey Classification : ‭616.85/82‬
LC Classification : ‭RC569.5.V55‬‭A46 2019‬
NLM classification : ‭BF 575.A3‬‭AH286v‬
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