" Recent advances in information and communication technology 2019 : "
Pongsarun Boonyopakorn, Phayung Meesad, Sunantha Sodsee, Herwig Unger, editors.
Document Type
Record Number
Main Entry
International Conference on Computing and Information Technology(15th :2019 :, Bangkok, Thailand)
Title & Author
Recent advances in information and communication technology 2019 : : proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT 2019) /\ Pongsarun Boonyopakorn, Phayung Meesad, Sunantha Sodsee, Herwig Unger, editors.
Publication Statement
Cham, Switzerland :: Springer,, ©2020.
Series Statement
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ;; v. 936
Page. NO
1 online resource (276 pages)
: 3030198618
: 3030198626
: 9783030198602
: 9783030198619
: 9783030198626
Comparison of Thai Sentence Sentiment Tagging Methods Using Thai Sentiment Resource
Includes author index.
International conference proceedings.
Intro; Preface; Organisation; Program Committee; Organising Partners; Contents; Data Mining; Dual Increment Shapelets: A Scalable Shapelet Discovery for Time Series Classification; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 2.1 Shapelet; 2.2 Shapelet Characteristic Filtering; 2.3 Self-organizing Incremental Neural Network; 3 Our Proposed Work: Dual Increment Shapelets; 3.1 Shapelet Candidate Selection; 3.2 Incremental Neural Network; 3.3 Dual Increment Shapelets; 4 Experiments and Results; 4.1 Running Time Comparison to the Baselines; 4.2 Accuracy Comparison to the Baselines
3 Definition of Bug Report Features4 Preliminary: Bigram Rule Modeling; 5 The Framework; 5.1 Bug Report Pre-processing; 5.2 Bug Report Classifier Modeling; 6 The Experimental Results and Discussion; 7 Conclusion; References; A Novel Three Phase Approach for Single Sample Ear Recognition; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Contribution; 2 Related Work; 3 Proposed Technique; 3.1 Normalization; 3.2 2D Eigen Ears; 3.3 Classification; 3.4 Complexity Analysis; 4 Experimental Setup and Results; 4.1 Databases Used; 4.2 Classification Accuracy; 4.3 Training Time; 5 Conclusion and Future Work; References
3 The Proposed Calibration Algorithm4 Experiments; 5 Conclusion; Acknowledgment; References; Application of Data Mining, Language, and Text Processing; Fuzzy TF-IDF Weighting in Synonym for Diabetes Question and Answers; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Proposed Method; 2.1 Question and Answers Pre-processing; 2.2 Fuzzy Answering Scoring; 2.3 Question Answering Matching; 3 Experiments; 3.1 Experimental Setup; 3.2 Experimental Results and Discussions; 4 Conclusions and Future Works; References; Feature Comparison for Automatic Bug Report Classification; 1 Introduction; 2 Dataset
4 Experimental Design and Results5 Conclusion and Future Work; References; Parameter-Free Outlier Scoring Algorithm Using the Acute Angle Order Difference Distance; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Works; 2.1 Local Outlier Factor; 2.2 Ordered Difference Distance Outlier Factor; 3 Main Work; 3.1 Motivation; 3.2 Definition and Theorem; 4 Experiment and Discussion; 5 Conclusion; References; Improved Weighted Least Square Radiometric Calibration Based Noise and Outlier Rejection by Adjacent Comparagraph and Brightness Transfer Function; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work
5 Conclusions and Future WorkReferences; Analyzing and Visualizing Anomalies and Events in Time Series of Network Traffic; 1 Introduction; 2 Preliminaries; 3 The SWEAT; 3.1 Event Detection; 3.2 Anomaly Detection; 4 Evaluation on the SWEAT; 4.1 Detected Events and Suspicious IP Addresses; 5 Conclusion; References; The Grid-Based Spatial ARIMA Model: An Innovation for Short-Term Predictions of Ocean Current Patterns with Big HF Radar Data; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Work; 3 Methodology; 3.1 Coastal Radar Data Description; 3.2 ARIMA Time Series Analysis
This book presents the latest research on computer recognition systems. Over the last few years, computer scientists, engineers and users have been confronted with rapid changes in computer interfaces and in the abilities of the machines and the services available. And this is just the beginning: based on recent research findings, we can expect more significant advances and challenges in the next decade. Achievements in the area of artificial intelligence have made an important major contribution to these developments: Machine learning, natural language processing, speech recognition, image and video processing are just some of the major research and engineering directions that have made autonomous driving, language assistants, automatic translation and answering systems as well as other innovative applications such as more human-oriented interfaces possible. Thosedevelopments also reflect economic changes in the world, which are increasingly dominated by the needs of enhanced globalization, international cooperation (including its competitive aspects) and emerging global problems.
Artificial intelligence, Congresses.
Computer science, Congresses.
Information technology, Congresses.
Artificial intelligence.
Computer science.
Information technology.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
QA75.5.I58 2020
Added Entry
Boonyopakorn, Pongsarun
Meesad, Phayung
Sodsee, Sunantha
Unger, Herwig,1966-
Parallel Title
IC2IT 2019
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