" Great Power Conduct and Credibility in World Politics / "
Sergey Smolnikov.
Document Type
Record Number
Main Entry
Smolnikov, Sergey
Title & Author
Great Power Conduct and Credibility in World Politics /\ Sergey Smolnikov.
Publication Statement
Cham, Switzerland :: Palgrave Macmillan,, [2018]
, ©2018
Page. NO
1 online resource
: 9783319718859
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Contents; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1 Explanation of Book Structure; Part I: Operationalization, Periodicity, and Pinnacles of Power; Chapter 2: Operationalization of Power; 1 Concerns of Great Powers; 2 Assessing National Power; 3 The Correlates of War and National Capability; 4 US Military Power: Strength Under Question?; 5 Russia's Military Capability and Strategic Rationale; 6 Global Firepower and China's Might; 7 Comprehensive National Power; 8 The National Power Index; 9 Military Alliances; Chapter 3: Measuring Intangibles; 1 Global Competitiveness
2 Government Efficiency3 Global Creativity and Innovation; 4 Soft Primacy; 5 Brands of National Images; 6 Shaping Perceptions; 7 Projecting Power into the Future; 8 Single-Variable Versus Multi-Variable Models of Power; 9 The Global Influence Score; 10 Primacy and Gusto; Chapter 4: Power Periodicity; 1 Conceiving Periodicity; 2 Power Periodicity and Great Powers' Decline; 3 Power and Primacy; 4 Power and Economic Preponderance; Chapter 5: Dynamics of Primacy; 1 Quantifying Preponderance; 2 Asian Economy and Prospects of a New Pax Sinica; 3 Grandeur, Primacy, and "Élan Vital."
4 Shrinking Pendulums and Hegemony5 The Lippmann Syndrome, Structural Shifts, and Burden-Sharing; 6 The Bias of States, Status, and Hegemony; Part II:The Theory of Power Credibility; Chapter 6: Re-examining Modern Realist and Constructivist Concepts of World Politics; 1 Structural Realism; 2 Neoclassical Realism; 3 Perceptions of Power and the Power of Perceptions; 4 Constructivism; 5 The Cultural Perspective; 6 The Centrality of Role Identities; Chapter 7: The Narratives of Power and Credibility; 1 Power as Confidence; 2 The Fourth Dimension of Power; 3 Credibility and Intersubjectivity
4 The Notion of Credibility5 Credibility and Deterrence; 6 Teleology of Credibility; 7 Credibility in International Relations and Strategic Studies; Chapter 8: Distinguishing Credibility; 1 Credibility and Reputation; 2 Resolve and Credibility; 3 Prestige and Credibility; 4 Sustaining Self-Respect; 5 Prestige and Reputation; 6 Mechanisms of Looking Credible; 7 The Power-Credibility Nexus in the Nuclear Era and Information Age; 8 Credibility of Messages and Sources; 9 Measuring Credibility's Value; 10 Judging About Credibility; 11 Anarchy and Veracity
Chapter 9: Conceptualizing Power Credibility1 The Rosenau Theorem; 2 The Theory of Power Credibility and the Patterns of Great Power Conduct; 2.1 Stage I: Power Maximization; 2.2 Stage II: Security Maximization; 2.3 Stage III: Credibility Maximization; 3 The TPC's Essence; 4 Challenges to Credibility; 5 Prerequisites of Conformity; 6 Cognitive Bias; Chapter 10: Six Attributes of Credibility; 1 Attractiveness; 2 Ability to Educate; 3 Ability to Reward; 4 Punishment; 5 Protection; 6 Patronage; 7 Looking Credible, Being Credible; 8 Controversies of Credibility-Centered Policy
"This book seeks to answer one main question: what is the core concern of great powers that streamlines their behavior in the contemporary system of international relations? Building on the examples of the United States, China, Russia, France, and Britain, it tracks both consistency and fluctuations in global power dynamics and great power behavior. The author examines the genesis, causality, and policy implications of decision makers' fixation with retaining a credible image of power in world politics, while exploring how the dynamics of power distribution in international systems modify perceptions of primacy. Drawing on findings from disciplines such as history, economics, social and political psychology, communication theory, philosophy, political science, strategic studies, and above all, from International Relations theory and practice, the volume proposes a novel theory of power credibility, which offers an original explanation of great powers' behavior at the stage of their relative decline."--
Great powers.
International relations.
World politics-- 21st century.
Great powers.
International relations.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Government-- International.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- International Relations-- General.
World politics.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
JZ1310.S66 2018eb
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