" Reconsidering National Plays in Europe / "
Suze van der Poll, Rob van der Zalm, editors.
Document Type
Record Number
Title & Author
Reconsidering National Plays in Europe /\ Suze van der Poll, Rob van der Zalm, editors.
Publication Statement
Cham, Switzerland :: Palgrave Macmillan,, [2018]
, ©2018
Page. NO
1 online resource
: 9783319753348
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; About the Book; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction; National Theatres: From Productive Concept to Anachronism; Theatre and National Identity: State-of-the-Nation Plays, Classics Versus National Plays; Criteria for National Plays; Spreading of National Plays; Bibliography; Chapter 2: Schiller's Die Räuber: "Der Ort der Geschichte ist Teutschland"; Introduction1; The Choice; Die Räuber, the Play (1777-1781); Die Räuber, the Premiere (1782); A Short Performance History of the Twentieth Century; 1926: Erwin Piscator's Räuber
1966: Peter Zadek's Räuber1990: Frank Castorf's Räuber von Schiller; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 3: Schiller's Wilhelm Tell: The National Play of Switzerland?; The Foundation of the Swiss Nation; The Legend of Wilhelm Tell and Its Importance for the 'Swiss Nation'; Friedrich Schiller and his Play Wilhelm Tell; The Reception of Schiller's Play in Switzerland; Schiller's Wilhelm Tell in Switzerland Today; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 4: Bánk Bán: The Hungarian National Play; József Katona: Between the Courtroom and the Theater; Bánk Bán-The Nation as Protagonist
Chapter 7: A (Dutch) Tale of the Sea: The Good Hope by Herman HeijermansThe Good Hope: A Tale of the Sea; A Tale of the Sea: The Popularity of the Dutch Coast; An Icon: Esther de Boer-van Rijk as Kniertje; 1924-1981: The Good Hope and "The Tyranny of Memory"; 'Aktie Tomaat': The Tomato Campaign and its Consequences for Theatre in the Netherlands; A Classic of Dutch Theatre; The Good Hope as Part of Dutch Cultural Heritage: Seascapes; Dutch Identity Discussed; Re-Reading The Good Hope: Major Themes in Dutch History; Bibliography; Websites and Databases
Henrik Ibsen and National Thought in NorwayThe Reception of Peer Gynt's First Edition; Performance History: From Closet Drama to Play: From National Satire to a National Favourite; The Anti-Romantic Peer Gynt; From Bourgeois Play to Communal National Heritage; The Dramatic Text: Publication History, Canonization and Peer Gynt's Place in the Educational System; Peer Gynt as a National Play; Bibliography; Nationaltheater's Website; Teaternettet's Website; The Norwegian National Library's Website on Ibsen. Repertoire Database
Social Justice in Bánk BánBánk Bán and Theater Culture; Bibliography; Chapter 5: Strindberg's Gustav Vasa and the Performance of Swedish Identity -- from Celebration to Introspective Critique; Man, Myth, Drama; Vasa as a National Figure; Strindberg's Gustav Vasa; Unionism, Nationalism, Regionalism; History Versus Drama; Gustav Vasa on the Stage; A Successful Premiere; Gustav Vasa During World War II; A Political Volte-Face; Gustav Vasa in Recent Decades-Celebration and Critique; A National Drama?; Bibliography; Chapter 6: Peer Gynt: Norway's National Play
"This volume frames the concept of a national play. By analysing a number of European case studies, it addresses the following question: Which play could be regarded as a country's national play, and how does it represent its national identity? The chapters provide an in-depth look at plays in eight different countries: Germany (Die Räuber, Friedrich Schiller), Switzerland (Wilhelm Tell, Friedrich Schiller), Hungary (Bánk Bán, József Katona), Sweden (Gustav Vasa, August Strindberg), Norway (Peer Gynt, Henrik Ibsen), the Netherlands (The Good Hope, Herman Heijermans), France (Tartuffe, Molière), and Ireland. This collection is especially relevant at a time of socio-political flux, when national identity and the future of the nation state is being reconsidered."--
National characteristics in the theater, Case studies.
Theater-- Europe, Case studies.
National characteristics in the theater.
PERFORMING ARTS-- Theater-- General.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
Added Entry
Poll, Suze van der
Zalm, Rob van der,1959-
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