" Electrons, atoms, and molecules in inorganic chemistry : "
Joseph J. Stephanos, Anthony W. Addison.
Document Type
Record Number
Main Entry
Stephanos, Joseph J.
Title & Author
Electrons, atoms, and molecules in inorganic chemistry : : a worked examples approach /\ Joseph J. Stephanos, Anthony W. Addison.
Publication Statement
London :: Academic Press,, [2017]
, ©2017
Page. NO
1 online resource
: 9780128110492
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Front Cover; Electrons, Atoms, and Molecules in Inorganic Chemistry: A Worked Examples Approach; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Particle Wave Duality; 1.1. Cathode and Anode Rays; 1.2. Charge of the Electron; 1.3. Mass of Electron and Proton; 1.4. Rutherford's Atomic Model; 1.5. Quantum of Energy; 1.6. Hydrogen Atom Line-Emission Spectra; Electrons in Atoms Exist Only in Very Specific Energy States; 1.7. Bohr's Quantum Theory of the Hydrogen Atom; 1.8. The Bohr-Sommerfeld Model; 1.9. The Corpuscular Nature of Electrons, Photons, and Particles of Very Small Mass.
1.10. Relativity Theory: Mass and Energy, Momentum, and Wavelength Interdependence; 1.11. The Corpuscular Nature of Electromagnetic Waves; The Photoelectric Effect; The Compton Effect; 1.12. de Broglie's Considerations; 1.13. Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, or the Principle of Indeterminacy; 1.14. The Probability of Finding an Electron and the Wave Function; 1.15. Atomic and Subatomic Particles; Elementary Particles; Suggestions for Further Reading; Chapter 2: Electrons in Atoms; 2.1. The Wave Function (the Schrödinger Equation); 2.2. Properties of the wave function.
2.12. The Spin Quantum Number, s; 2.13. The Boundary Surface of s-Orbital; 2.14. The Boundary Surface of p-Orbitals; 2.15. The Boundary Surface of d-Orbitals; 2.16. Calculating the Most Probable Radius; 2.17. Calculating the Mean Radius of an Orbital; 2.18. The Structure of Many-Electron Atoms; 2.19. The Pauli Exclusion Principle; 2.20. Slater Determinant; 2.21. Penetration and Shielding; 2.22. The Building-Up Principle; 2.23. Term Structure for Polyelectron Atoms; 2.24. Term Wave Functions and Single Electron Wave Functions; 2.25. Spin-Orbital Coupling.
2.26. Spin-Orbital Coupling in External Magnetic Field; Suggestions for Further Reading; Chapter 3: Chemical Bonding; 3.1. Electronegativity and Electropositivity; 3.2. Electronegativity and Electropositivity Trends; 3.3. Molecular and Nonmolecular Compounds; 3.4. Types of Bonds; 3.5. Metallic Bonding and General Properties of Metals; Conductivity and Mobility of Electrons; Luster and Free Electron Irradiation; Malleability, Cohesive Force, Number of Valence Electrons; Theories of Bonding in Metals; Free Electron Theory; Bond Lengths; Crystal Structures of Metals (Metallic Structures).
2.3. Schrödinger Equation of the Hydrogen Atom; 2.4. Transformation of the Schrödinger Equation From Cartesians to Spherical Polar Coordinates; 2.5. The Angular Equation; 2.6. The Phi-Equation; 2.7. The [theta]-Equation; 2.8. The Radial Equation; 2.9. The Final Solution for the Full Wave Function, [psi]nlm(R, [theta], [phi]); 2.10. The Orthonormal Properties of the Real Wave Functions; 2.11. The Quantum Numbers: n, l, and ml; The Principle Quantum Number, n; The Quantum Numbers l and Angular Momentum; The Angular Momentum Quantum Numbers, l and m; Picture and Represent Precisely ml Vectors of p- and d-Orbitals.
"Electrons, Atoms, and Molecules in Inorganic Chemistry: A Worked Examples Approach builds from fundamental units into molecules, to provide the reader with a full understanding of inorganic chemistry concepts through worked examples and full color illustrations. The book uniquely discusses failures as well as research success stories. Worked problems include a variety of types of chemical and physical data, illustrating the interdependence of issues. This text contains a bibliography providing access to important review articles and papers of relevance, as well as summaries of leading articles and reviews at the end of each chapter so interested readers can readily consult the original literature. Suitable as a professional reference for researchers in a variety of fields, as well as course use and self-study. The book offers valuable information to fill an important gap in the field. Incorporates questions and answers to assist readers in understanding a variety of problem types. Includes detailed explanations and developed practical approaches for solving real chemical problems. Includes a range of example levels, from classic and simple for basic concepts to complex questions for more sophisticated topics. Covers the full range of topics in inorganic chemistry: electrons and wave-particle duality, electrons in atoms, chemical binding, molecular symmetry, theories of bonding, valence bond theory, VSEPR theory, orbital hybridization, molecular orbital theory, crystal field theory, ligand field theory, electronic spectroscopy, vibrational and rotational spectroscopy"--
Chemistry, Inorganic.
Chemistry, Inorganic.
SCIENCE-- Chemistry-- Inorganic.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
Added Entry
Addison, A. W.
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