Document Type
Record Number
Main Entry
Benedek, G., (Giorgio)
Title & Author
Atomic scale dynamics at surfaces : : theory and experimental studies with helium atom scattering /\ Giorgio Benedek, Jan Peter Toennies.
Publication Statement
Berlin, Germany :: Springer,, 2018.
Series Statement
Springer Series in Surface Sciences ;; v. 63
Page. NO
1 online resource
: 9783662564431
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; Contents; Acronyms; 1 Surface Dynamics, An Introduction; Abstract; 1.1 Surface Acoustic Waves in Nature and Technology; 1.1.1 Frequency Range of Surface Acoustic Waves; 1.1.2 Surface Acoustic Wave Visualization and Surface Characterization; 1.1.3 SAW Acousto-Electronics; 1.2 Fundamental Interactions at Surfaces from Surface Phonon Spectroscopy; 1.2.1 Physical Properties of Surfaces Compared to the Bulk; 1.2.2 Scanning Tunnel Microscopy Probes of Surface Vibrations; 1.2.3 Scattering Probes of Surface Vibrations
1.2.4 Helium Atom Scattering (HAS) Versus Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)1.2.5 Single Versus Multiphonon Regimes; 1.2.6 Kinematics of Single Phonon Surface Scattering; References; 2 History of Surface Phonons and Helium Atom Scattering; Abstract; 2.1 History of Surface Phonon Theory; 2.1.1 Continuum Versus Atomistic Models; 2.1.2 Evolution of Present Day Surface Phonon Theories; 2.2 History of Surface Phonon Spectroscopy by Helium Atom Scattering; 2.2.1 Early Developments; 2.2.2 Early Helium Atom Scattering Experiments; 2.2.3 Early Electron Scattering Experiments
2.3 History of Inelastic Atom Scattering Theory2.3.1 Classical Scattering Theories; 2.3.2 Semiclassical Scattering Theories; 2.3.3 Quantum Scattering Theories; 2.3.4 Quantum Scattering Theory: Metal Surfaces and Debye-Waller Theory; 2.3.5 Quantum Scattering Theory: Developments Since 1980; 2.3.6 Summary and Outlook; 2.4 Further Reading; References; 3 The Physics of Surface Phonons; Abstract; 3.1 The Dispersion Curves of Surface Versus Bulk Phonons; 3.2 Rayleigh Theory of Surface Waves; 3.2.1 Isotropic Elastic Continuum; 3.2.2 Dispersive Effects; 3.2.3 Anisotropic Crystals
3.3 Born-von Kármán Theory: Bulk Phonons3.4 Surface-Projected Bulk Phonons; 3.5 Effects of the Surface; 3.5.1 The Rayleigh Theorem; 3.5.2 The Green's Function Method; 3.5.3 The Slab Method; 3.6 Localization of Surface Modes; 3.7 Classification of Surface Modes; 3.7.1 Polarizations and Displacement Patterns; 3.7.2 An Illustrative Example: NaF(001); 3.7.3 Surface Phonon Labels; References; 4 The Effect of the Surface Termination on Force Constants and Dispersion Curves; Abstract; 4.1 Surface Equilibrium; 4.2 The Intrinsic Surface Perturbation; 4.3 Surface Stress
4.4 The Effect of Force Constant Changes on Surface Phonon Dispersion Curves4.4.1 Surface Force Constant Perturbations; 4.4.2 Merits and Limits of BvK Force Constant Fits; References; 5 Theoretical Methods of Surface Dynamics; Abstract; 5.1 Introductory Comments; 5.2 The Important Role of Electrons in the Dispersion of Surface Phonons; 5.3 The Multipole Expansion (ME) Method and the Pseudocharge (PC) Model; 5.4 From Semi-empirical to Ab initio Methods; 5.4.1 Tight-Binding Methods; 5.4.2 Pseudopotentials and Density Response; 5.4.3 Phonons out of DFT
Experimental advances in helium atom scattering spectroscopy over the last forty years have allowed the measurement of surface phonon dispersion curves of more than 200 different crystal surfaces and overlayers of insulators, semiconductors and metals. The first part of the book presents, at a tutorial level, the fundamental concepts and methods in surface lattice dynamics, and the theory of atom-surface interaction and inelastic scattering in their various approximations, up to the recent electron-phonon theory of helium atom scattering from conducting surfaces. The second part of the book, after introducing the experimentalist to He-atom spectrometers and the rich phenomenology of helium atom scattering from corrugated surfaces, illustrates the most significant experimental results on the surface phonon dispersion curves of various classes of insulators, semiconductors, metals, layered crystals, topological insulators, complex surfaces, adsorbates, ultra-thin films and clusters. The great potential of helium atom scattering for the study of atomic scale diffusion, THz surface collective excitations, including acoustic surface plasmons, and the future prospects of helium atom scattering are presented in the concluding chapters. The book will be valuable reading for all researchers and graduate students interested in dynamical processes at surfaces.
Helium ions-- Scattering.
Helium ions-- Scattering.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
Added Entry
Toennies, J. Peter.