" Main Benefits from 30 Years of Joint Projects in Nuclear Safety / "
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Document Type
Record Number
Main Entry
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Title & Author
Main Benefits from 30 Years of Joint Projects in Nuclear Safety /\ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Publication Statement
Paris :: OECD Publishing,, 2012.
Series Statement
Nuclear Safety,
Page. NO
1 online resource (132 pages)
: 9789264991712
1. Introduction 7 2. NEA historical background and plans in safety and licensing support 11 3. Thermal-hydraulics 17 -3.1 Background 17 -3.2 Thermal-hydraulic issues 18 -3.3 CSNI thermal-hydraulic activities 19 -3.4 OECD/NEA joint projects addressing thermal-hydraulic issues 20 -3.5 Summary and conclusions 27 4. Fuel behaviour 29 -4.1 Background 29 -4.2 Fuel issues30 -4.3 CSNI fuel activities 31 -4.4 OECD/NEA joint projects addressing fuel issues 31 -4.5 Summary and conclusions 34 5. Severe accidents 35 -5.1 Background 35 -5.2 Severe accident issues 36 -5.3 International severe accident research and the NEA role 39 -5.4 OECD/NEA joint projects addressing severe accident issues 40 -5.5 Summary and conclusions 43 6. Working together 45 -6.1 Sharing experimental infrastructure 45 -6.2 Procedure for establishing and conducting a project 46 -6.3 Identifying priorities 46 -6.4 Building consensus 47 -6.5 Recognising the benefit of joint projects 47 7. Summary and conclusions 49 References 51 Appendix 1: Short description of OECD/NEA nuclear safety joint projects 53 Appendix 2: Some statistics about OECD/NEA nuclear safety joint projects 125.
Available in PDF.
One of the major achievements of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is the knowledge it has helped to generate through the organisation of joint international research projects. Such projects, primarily in the areas of nuclear safety and radioactive waste management, enable interested countries, on a costsharing basis, to pursue research or the sharing of data with respect to particular areas or issues. Over the years, more than 30 joint projects have been conducted with wide participation of member countries. This report describes the achievements of the OECD/NEA joint projects on nuclear safety research that have been carried out over the past three decades, with a particular focus on thermal-hydraulics, fuel behaviour and severe accidents. It shows that the resolution of specific safety issues in these areas has greatly benefited from the joint projects' activities and results. It also highlights the added value of international co-operation for maintaining unique experimental infrastructure, preserving skills and generating new knowledge.
Nuclear energy.
Engineering Applied Sciences.
Mechanical Engineering.
Nuclear energy.
Nuclear Engineering.
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