" Coal mining communities and gentrification in Japan / "
Tai Wei Lim, Naoko Shimazaki, Yoshihisa Godo, Yiru Lim.
Document Type
Record Number
Main Entry
Lim, Tai-Wei
Title & Author
Coal mining communities and gentrification in Japan /\ Tai Wei Lim, Naoko Shimazaki, Yoshihisa Godo, Yiru Lim.
Publication Statement
Singapore :: Palgrave Macmillan,, [2019]
Page. NO
1 online resource
: 9811372209
Includes index.
Intro; Foreword; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction: Post-Mining Communities-A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Post-Closure Coal Mining Towns in Japan and Their Gentrification History; Introduction; Chapterization and Introduction of Contents; Methodology; Literature Review; Contribution to Existing Literature; Chapter 2: Comparison of the Impacts of Japan's Industrialization on the Coal Mining and Agriculture and Forestry Industries; Introduction; Comparisons Between the Coal Mining and Agriculture and Forestry Industries; The Primary Sector in Pre-modern Japan
Chapter 4: Historical Development and Gentrification of Hokkaido's Former Coal Mining Areas: Case Studies of Bibai, Kushiro, Mikasa, and YubariIntroduction; Agriculture and Food Industries; East Hokkaido Fieldwork 2017; Concluding Section: Case Studies of Ageing Towns; Bibliography; Chapter 5: The Coal Industry in the Northeast Asian Context; Introduction; Historical Use of Coal in China; The Case Study of South Korea; The Case Study of Japan; The Case Study of China; Coal and Its Importance in China's Energy Mix; Recent Developments in China's Coal Use; The Politics of Coal in China
Is the Coal Belt Declining?Coal Industry in China: Still Critical Despite Its Tremendous Advance in Hydro and Solar Energy?; China as a Regional Coal Industry Investor and Importer; Coal Trade and Politics Between China and North Korea; China's Coal Investments in Southeast Asia; The Case Studies of Other Northeast Asian States: Russia; The Case Studies of Other Northeast Asian States: North Korea; The Case Studies of Other Northeast Asian States: Mongolia; Looking Forward: Common Challenges Faced; Trends in the Regional Coal Industry
Overview of the Coal Industry in Japan: A Short Survey of the Japanese Coal IndustryQuantitative Analysis of the Japanese Coal Mining Industry; History of Mine Closures in the Post-War Period; Re-employment of Displaced Coal Mine Workers; Features of the Coal Mining Industry in Japan; Overview of Miike's History; Overview of the Miike Mine Closure (1997) and Omuta City; Miike's Presence in Omuta City; The Eighth Coal Policy and Miike's Rationalization Programme; Miike's Closure in 1997 and the Regeneration of Omuta City; Bibliography
The Meiji Restoration (1868) and Removal of Feudal RegulationsStructural Changes in the Primary Sector After the Meiji Restoration; The Dawn of Heavy Industrialization; Impact of Heavy Industrialization on Human Relationships in the Primary Sector; Hardships Faced in the Primary Sector During Pre-war Japan's Heavy Industrialization; Protection for the Primary Sector During Post-war Japan's Heavy Industrialization; Conclusion and Discussion; Bibliography; Chapter 3: The Miike Coal Mine and Omuta City: A Case Study of the Largest and Last Mine's Closure in Japan; Introduction
This book offers a multidisciplinary analysis of approach in the field of energy studies of Japan, examining post-closure coal mining towns in Japan and their gentrification. It considers the impact of closures on the agricultural industry, the re-absorption of laid off coal miners into service and industrial sectors, and the gentrification of former coal mines into agricultural farms and communities. It also considers the historical process of gentrification in terms of origins, social history, continuity/discontinuity and cooperation/resistance. The historical background of coal mine closures analyses nostalgic recollection about mine closures and Sakubei's UNESCO drawings of life in the coal mines and other cultural materials related to coal energy and the mining industry in general in Japan.
Coal trade-- Japan.
Gentrification-- Japan.
Coal trade.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
HD9556.J3L56 2019
Added Entry
Gōdo, Yoshihisa,1962-
Lim, Yiru
Shimazaki, Naoko
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