رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Teaching methodologies in structural geology and tectonics / "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 891541
Title & Author : Teaching methodologies in structural geology and tectonics /\ Soumyajit Mukherjee, editor.
Publication Statement : Singapore :: Springer,, [2019]
Series Statement : Springer geology
Page. NO : 1 online resource
ISBN : 9789811327810
: : 9789811327827
: : 9811327815
: : 9811327823
: 9789811327803
: 9811327807
Notes : 4.3 Concept 2c: Use the Full 3D Seismic Volume-Including Mapping on Time/Depth Sections and Strike-Perpendicular Sections
Contents : Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Editor; Teaching Methodologies in Structural Geology and Tectonics: An Introduction; References; Self- and Peer-Evaluation of Individual Project Work: An Innovative Course Assessment Method to Increase Student Motivation; 1 Introduction; 2 Course Description and Project Work; 2.1 Course Content and Schedule; 2.2 End-of-Semester Project Work; 3 Course Assessment; 3.1 Self- and Peer-evaluation; 4 Assessment Outcome and Interpretation; 4.1 Marks Compared to Teacher's Marks; 5 Discussion; 5.1 Training of Soft-Skills
: 2 History of Subsurface Interpretation3 Skillset 1-Making Quality Geologic Maps and Cross Sections; 3.1 Concept 1a: Use Simple Mapping Rules to Ensure Quality Control on Structure Maps; 3.2 Concept 1b: Know and Apply the Methods for Creating Valid Structural Cross Sections; 4 Skillset 2-Seismic Interpretation of Structures; 4.1 Concept 2a: Geophysical Survey Design and Processing Influences the Seismic Images that Interpreters Use; 4.2 Concept 2b: Seismic Data Is Collected in the Time Domain, but Subsurface Structures Are Best Interpreted in the Depth Domain
: 5.2 Advantages of the Self- and Peer-evaluation Procedure5.3 Disadvantages and Criticism of the Self- and Peer-evaluation Procedure; 5.4 Communication: One Key Point for the Self- and Peer-evaluation Procedure; 5.5 Further Ideas/Outlook; 6 Conclusions; Appendix A; Appendix B; Appendix C; Appendix D; Appendix E; Appendix F; References; Modern Methods in Structural Geology of Twenty-first Century: Digital Mapping and Digital Devices for the Field Geology; 1 Introduction; 2 Digital Devices; 3 Digital Mapping; 4 Field Geology; 4.1 Tests in the Field; 5 Summary and Discussion
: 6 General RecommendationReferences; Paleomagnetism in Structural Geology and Tectonics; 1 Introduction; 2 Basics of Paleomagnetic Method; 2.1 Earth's Magnetism; 2.2 Rocks as Compasses (Minerals and Mechanisms); 2.3 Stable Records (Relaxation Time); 2.4 Rock Mechanisms for Blocking the Magnetization; 2.5 Basic Processing of Paleomagnetic Data; 2.6 Checking the Paleomagnetic Assumptions: the "Stability Test"; 2.7 Paleomagnetic Reference and Rotation Confidence; 2.8 Paleomagnetic Databases; 3 Paleomagnetism as a Kinematic Indicator; 3.1 VARs; 3.2 Understanding Orogens in 3D; 4 Remagnetizations
: Snapshots of Deformation Histories4.1 Basin Geometry Reconstruction; 4.2 Orogen Geometry; 5 Chronostratigraphic Frames for Deformation Processes; 5.1 Dating Rocks and Basin Histories; 5.2 Dating Folding and Thrusting; 5.3 Rotational Kinematics; 6 Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility as a kinematic indicator; 6.1 Compressional Settings; 6.2 Extensional Settings; 6.3 Inversion Tectonics; 6.4 Fault Rocks; 7 Conclusions; Suggested Key References; Teaching Structural Geology Techniques for Applied Subsurface Interpretation and Characterization; 1 Introduction
Abstract : This edited book discusses various challenges in teaching structural geology and tectonics and how they have been overcome by eminent instructors, who employed effective and innovative means to do so. All of the chapters were written by prominent and active academics and geoscientists fully engaged in teaching Structural Geology and Tectonics. New instructors will find this book indispensible in framing their teaching strategy. Effective teaching of Structural Geology and Tectonics constitutes the backbone of geoscience education. Teaching takes place not only in classrooms, but also in labs and in the field. The content and teaching methodologies for these two fields have changed over time, shaped by the responsibilities that present-day geoscientists are expected to fulfill.
Subject : Geology, Structural-- Study and teaching.
Subject : Geology, Structural-- Study and teaching.
Dewey Classification : ‭551.8‬
LC Classification : ‭QE601‬‭.T43 2019‬
Added Entry : Mukherjee, Soumyajit
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