رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Quantum Simulation of the Abelian Higgs Lattice Gauge Theory and Quantum Thermalization in Ultracold-Atom Systems "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 899019
Doc. No : TL7d20q01q
Main Entry : Chambers, Katherine Lindsey
Title & Author : Quantum Simulation of the Abelian Higgs Lattice Gauge Theory and Quantum Thermalization in Ultracold-Atom Systems\ Zhang, JinTsai, Shan-Wen
Date : 2019
student score : 2019
Abstract : This thesis presents our recent studies on quantum simulation of the Abelian Higgs lattice gauge theory with quantum systems engineered with ultracold atoms in optical lattices and quantum equilibration and thermalization dynamics in the context of Joule expansion in cold atom systems. In the first part, we give proposals for the analog quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories with cold atoms in optical lattices with current experimental techniques, aiming at maximal simplicity on both the theoretical and experimental side. We search for the suitable platform for quantum simulation of the
Added Entry : Zhang, Jin
Added Entry : UC Riverside
کپی لینک

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