رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" GPU accelerated real-time multi-functional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm. "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 899453
Doc. No : LA2gd1m3tb
Title & Author : GPU accelerated real-time multi-functional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm. [Article]\ Wang, YanOh, Christian MOliveira, Michael CIslam, M ShahidulOrtega, ArthurPark, B Hyle
Date : 2012
Title of Periodical : UC Riverside
Abstract : We present a GPU accelerated multi-functional spectral domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm. The system is capable of real-time processing and display of every intensity image, comprised of 512 pixels by 2048 A-lines acquired at 20 frames per second. The update rate for all four images with size of 512 pixels by 2048 A-lines simultaneously (intensity, phase retardation, flow and en face view) is approximately 10 frames per second. Additionally, we report for the first time the characterization of phase retardation and diattenuation by a sample comprised of a stacked set of polarizing film and wave plate. The calculated optic axis orientation, phase retardation and diattenuation match well with expected values. The speed of each facet of the multi-functional OCT CPU-GPU hybrid acquisition system, intensity, phase retardation, and flow, were separately demonstrated by imaging a horseshoe crab lateral compound eye, a non-uniformly heated chicken muscle, and a microfluidic device. A mouse brain with thin skull preparation was imaged in vivo and demonstrated the capability of the system for live multi-functional OCT visualization.
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