رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" A Trap At The Escape From The Trap? Demographic-Structural Factors of Political Instability in Modern Africa and West Asia "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 900536
Doc. No : LA79t737gt
Title & Author : A Trap At The Escape From The Trap? Demographic-Structural Factors of Political Instability in Modern Africa and West Asia [Article]\ Korotayev, AndreyZinkina, JuliaKobzeva, SvetlanaBozhevolnov, JustislavKhaltourina, DariaMalkov, ArtemyMalkov, Sergey
Date : 2011
Title of Periodical : UC Riverside
Abstract : The escape from the “Malthusian trap” is shown to tend to generate in a rather systematic way quite serious political upheavals. Some demographic structural mechanisms that generate such upheavals have been analyzed, which has made it possible to develop a mathematical model of the respective processes. The forecast of political instability in African and West Asian countries in 2012–2050 produced on the basis of this model is presented.
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