رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" “After 9/11: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 900917
Doc. No : LA0331v09w
Title & Author : “After 9/11: [Article]. Wiring Networks for Security and Liberty”\ Warner, William
Date : 2007
Title of Periodical : UC Santa Barbara
Abstract : The following talk will seek to do three things: first, understand how the attacks on 9/11, and the subsequent anthrax attacks, have succeeded in compromising our networks; second, suggest how early American communication networks played a central role in winning American independence from the British Imperial system. Finally, I will end this talk by arguing that 9/11 should not mean that we reconfigure American networks by bartering away our liberty in the name of security. Instead, in the wake of 9/11, we should think through ways to make our networks more secure by making them more robust, more extensive, and more intelligent.
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