رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Debating anthropology's assumptions, relevance and future: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 901108
Doc. No : LA2n76r50s
Title & Author : Debating anthropology's assumptions, relevance and future: [Article]. David Graeber's Wunderkammer, Debt: The First 5 000 Years\ Maurer, B
Date : 2013
Title of Periodical : UC Irvine
Abstract : Graeber's Debt: The First 5 000 Years has generated extensive commentary in the popular press and has captured the imagination of both activists at the barricades and investment fund managers in the City of London. Everyone is captivated by his critique of the myth of primitive barter. Yet it is a puzzle that a core element of his argument-the myth of primordial debt-has been largely overlooked. This review seeks to redress this oversight and in the process to suggest that Graeber's emphasis on violence and enslavement, while compelling, is limited by his quest for origins. Feminist anthropology taught us to set aside the question, 'when did "it" begin' and instead open up to other questions, beyond the limits and biases the quest for origins presupposes. One wishes Graeber had entered the wonder cabinet he constructed in this book, rather than use it to ground a teleology. © 2013 Copyright Discipline of Anthropology and Sociology, The University of Western Australia.
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