رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Gender Bias and The Indonesian Financial Crisis: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 901580
Doc. No : LA6qg8b9b8
Title & Author : Gender Bias and The Indonesian Financial Crisis: [Article]. Were Girls Hit Hardest?\ Levine, David I.Ames, Minnie
Date : 2003
Title of Periodical : UC Berkeley
Abstract : We analyze how the financial crisis affected a wide range of investments in Indonesian children and children’s outcomes including school enrollment, immunizations, and mortality. Our dataset is the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), a large nationally representative sample. We build on past research by differentiating outcomes for boys and for girls, and by separating regions heavily affected by the financial crisis from others that were relatively unhurt. Along most dimensions, children were well protected. Contrary to some theory and press reports, girls did not fare worse than boys during the crisis.
کپی لینک

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