رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" On the Time Validity of John Philip's Two-Term Rainfall Infiltration Model "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 905474
Doc. No : TL52b8j69k
Main Entry : GAO, YIFU
Title & Author : On the Time Validity of John Philip's Two-Term Rainfall Infiltration Model\ GAO, YIFUVrugt, Jasper A.
College : UC Irvine
Date : 2020
student score : 2020
Abstract : Rainfall infiltration, the process wherein water enters the soil surface and replenishes moisture in the vadose zone, is an important component of the water balance and hydrologic cycle. Infiltration guarantees a continued availability of moisture to sustain root water uptake, plant growth, groundwater recharge and soil structure. There are several ways to estimate rainfall infiltration rates and volumes. The most rigorous approach would use a partial differential equation (Richards' equation), coupled, if necessary, with a surface water routine and groundwater model (Darcy's law), to describe infiltration into variably-saturated soils. Analytic solutions of Richards' equation and/or Darcy's law and empirical infiltration functions may work well under certain conditions (deep-drained soils with uniform initial moisture content) and/or single rainfall events. Among all research conducted, the Philip's two-term infiltration model,
Added Entry : Vrugt, Jasper A.
Added Entry : UC Irvine
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