رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Center for Innovative Diplomacy Report - Winter 1986-87 "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 910655
Doc. No : LA76f4j11d
Title & Author : Center for Innovative Diplomacy Report -nbsp;Winter 1986-87 [Article]\ Center for Innovative Diplomacy
Date : 1986
Title of Periodical : UC Irvine
Abstract : CID's Fifth YearThis issue celebrates the beginning ofthe Center for Innovative Diplomacy's(CID) fifth year, a year that promises to be our most important ever. Whatbegan as a bold, even audacious dream by three Stanford students in 1982 hasbecome an increasingly influential national institution with more than fourthousand members, nearly a thousand of whom are local elected officials.The following pagescontain brief descriptions ofCID's efforts to reverse thearms race through a progressive coalition of local elected officials (LEO),municipal foreign policies, citizen diplomacy, international computer networking,and alternative security structures. These diverse projects reflect CID'scommitment to developing creative approaches for citizens to becomediplomats themselves. We believe that nuclear war can only be preventedthrough democratic participation in foreign policy-making, here and abroad.
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