رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Eco-Certification of Natural Rubber: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 911153
Doc. No : LA02d3918r
Title & Author : Eco-Certification of Natural Rubber:. Demand, Supply, and Potential Implications of Private Global Environmental Governance [Article]\ Kennedy, Sean
Date : 2014
Title of Periodical : UCLA
Abstract : In recent years, concern over the environmental impacts of natural rubber culti- vation has generated considerable interest in eco-certification, a form of private environ- mental regulation designed to encourage more sustainable land-use practices. This paper explores the emergence and potential sovereignty implications of this approach to envi- ronmental control with an emphasis on the natural rubber industry. I argue that although eco-certification is advocated as a form of networked governance representing a range of political interests, the way certification programs position themselves as transparent and accountable alternatives to state-based regulation potentially serves to delegitimize the role of the state in the arena of environmental regulation.
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