رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Study of noncollinear two-charged-particle events produced in 29-GeV electron-positron annihilation. "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 911267
Doc. No : LA32g840jk
Title & Author : Study of noncollinear two-charged-particle events produced in 29-GeV electron-positron annihilation. [Article]\ Perl, ML; Müller, L; Barklow, T; Boyarski, AM; Breidenbach, M; Burchat, PR; Burke, DL; Dorfan, JM; Feldman, GJ; Gladney, L; Hanson, G; Hayes, K; Hollebeek, RJ; Innes, WR; Jaros, JA; Karlen, D; Lankford, AJ; Larsen, RR; LeClaire, BW; Lockyer, NS; Lüth, V; Matteuzzi, C; Ong, RA; Richter, B; Riles, K; Ross, MC; et al.
Date : 1986
Title of Periodical : UC Irvine
Abstract : This paper presents a study of events produced in 29-GeV electron-positron annihilation in which there are just two noncollinear charged particles, no detected photons, and two or more undetected particles. These events can be explained by attributing them primarily to the reactions e+e-'e+e-e+e- and e+e-'e+e-+- where just two particles appear in the Mark II detector. There is no evidence for unconventional sources for such events. © 1986 The American Physical Society.
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