رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Meat outside the freezer: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 912894
Doc. No : LA2ft4x5wj
Title & Author : Meat outside the freezer:. Drying, smoking, salting and sealing meat in fat at an Epipalaeolithic megasite in eastern Jordan [Article]\ Spyrou, A; Maher, LA; Martin, LA; Macdonald, DA; Garrard, A
Date : 2019
Title of Periodical : UC Berkeley
Abstract : © 2019 Elsevier Inc. Even though pivotal for understanding many aspects of human behaviour, preservation and storage of animal resources has not received great attention from archaeologists. One could argue that the main problem lies in the difficulties of demonstrating meat storage archaeologically due to the lack of direct evidence. This paper represents an attempt to refine zooarchaeological methods for the recognition of meat preservation and storage at prehistoric sites. Drawing on the faunal assemblage from Kharaneh IV, an Early/Middle Epipalaeolithic aggregation site in eastern Jordan, this study demonstrates that a combination of taphonomic and contextual analyses alongside ethnographic information may indeed lead archaeologists to insights not directly available from the archaeological record. The empirical evidence presented here contributes to the archaeological visibility of meat preservation and storage, providing a clearer concept of the nature of these practices in pre-agricultural societies.
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