رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Sixteen Sound Bites "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 915293
Doc. No : TL7fm0t2qk
Main Entry : Wilmoth, Charles Weaver
Title & Author : Sixteen Sound Bites\ Wilmoth, Charles WeaverReynolds, Roger
College : UC San Diego
Date : 2010
student score : 2010
Abstract : This paper in an investigation of Sixteen Sound Bites, a 40-minute piece in sixteen parts that was completed in late 2008. The paper explores the relationship of the piece to other contemporary classical music, as well as its relationship to politics and the media. The paper concludes with a comparison of Sixteen Sound Bites to pieces the composer has written since 2008, focusing specifically on Palinoscopy (2009) for singing guitarist.
Added Entry : Reynolds, Roger
Added Entry : UC San Diego
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230.11 KB
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