رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" With malice toward none and charity for some: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 916528
Doc. No : LA14x6w6t4
Title & Author : With malice toward none and charity for some:. ingroup favoritism enables discrimination. [Article]\ Greenwald, Anthony G
Date : 2014
Title of Periodical : UC Santa Cruz
Abstract : Dramatic forms of discrimination, such as lynching, property destruction, and hate crimes, are widely understood to be consequences of prejudicial hostility. This article focuses on what has heretofore been only an infrequent countertheme in scientific work on discrimination-that favoritism toward ingroups can be responsible for much discrimination. We extend this counterthesis to the strong conclusion that ingroup favoritism is plausibly more significant as a basis for discrimination in contemporary American society than is outgroup-directed hostility. This conclusion has implications for theory, research methods, and practical remedies.
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