رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Understanding women's desires for contraceptive counseling at the time of first-trimester surgical abortion. "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 917449
Doc. No : LA3328n5kd
Title & Author : Understanding women's desires for contraceptive counseling at the time of first-trimester surgical abortion. [Article]\ Creinin, Mitchell David
Date : 2014
Title of Periodical : UC Davis
Abstract : Objective: The objective was to investigate whether or not women presenting for a first-trimester surgical abortion want to discusscontraception on the day of their procedure.Study Design: Between October 2012 and January 2013, an anonymous self-administered survey was distributed to women receivingfirst-trimester surgical abortions at four northern California family planning clinics. The survey obtained demographic information abouteach woman and inquired about her desire for contraceptive counseling during her appointment. Results were analyzed using bothunivariate and multivariable regression analyses to assess trends in responses related to desire for contraceptive counseling based ondemographic and other variables.Results: Of the 199 respondents, 64% reported that they did not want to talk to a counselor or doctor about contraception on the day of theirabortion. About half of the women (52%) who did not want to discuss contraception indicated they already knew what they wanted forpregnancy prevention. Of the 25% who reported that they did want to discuss contraception, the most important topic desired from thecounseling was identification of methods that were easier to use than what they used previously.Conclusion: The majority of women seeking first-trimester surgical abortion may not desire additional information about contraception onthe day of the procedure.Implications Statement: This study demonstrates that a significant proportion of women may not want contraceptive counseling on the dayof a planned surgical abortion.
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