رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Social Context of Work Injury among Undocumented Day Laborers in San Francisco "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 918750
Doc. No : LA5w93x0cx
Title & Author : Social Context of Work Injury among Undocumented Day Laborers in San Francisco [Article]\ Walter, N; Bourgois, P
Date : 2002
Title of Periodical : UCSF
Abstract : Drawing on data collected through clinical practice and ethnographic fieldwork, this study examines the experience of injury, illness and disability among undocumented Latino day laborers in San Francisco. We demonstrate how constructions of masculine identity organize the experience of embodied social suffering among workers who are rendered vulnerable by the structural conditions of undocumented immigrant status. Theoretical concepts from critical medical anthropology and gender studies extend the scholarly analysis of structural violence beyond the primarily economic to uncover how it is embodied at the intimate level as a gendered experience of personal and familial crisis, involving love, respect, betrayal and patriarchal failure. A clinical ethnographic focus on socially structured patriarchal suffering elucidates the causal relationship between rnacro-forces and individual action with a fuller appreciation of the impact of culture and everyday lived experience. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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