رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" National facility for advanced computational science: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 920278
Doc. No : LA94r883mw
Title & Author : National facility for advanced computational science:. A sustainable khatejadidpath to scientific discovery [Article]\ Simon, Horst; Kramer, William; Saphir, William; Shalf, John; Bailey, David; Oliker, Leonid; Banda, Michael; McCurdy, C. William; Hules, John; Canning, Andrew; Day, Marc; Colella, Phillip; Serafini, David; Wehner, Michael
Date : 2004
Abstract : Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) proposes to create a National Facility for Advanced Computational Science (NFACS) and to establish a new partnership between the American computer industry and a national consortium of laboratories, universities, and computing facilities. NFACS will provide leadership-class scientific computing capability to scientists and engineers nationwide, independent of their institutional affiliation or source of funding. This partnership will bring into existence a new class of computational capability in the United States that is optimal for science and will create a sustainable path towards petaflops performance.
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